Dragon Age: Origins

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Isabeaux walked into Denerim, happy to have arrived. She had seen Bodhan, sold some things that she’d been carrying around and then walked into the city, bold as you please. One or two people gave her an odd look, but she ignored most of them. Instead, she walked directly to the Chantry and dropped off the assistance requests and collected the bounties. Roland and Wynne trailed behind her. Then Isabeaux checked to see if anyone had left any messages for her or her companions. Instead of leaving a note immediately, she walked to the Gnawed Noble Tavern.

She smiled at the innkeeper and asked for three rooms. He started to tell her nothing was available, when she placed both her staff and pouch of gold on the counter; when man looked at both, his eyes widened.

“There are more of my companions on the way. Three rooms should be sufficient for now, if they are available. We will share as needed.” Her voice was filled with authority and the man struggled to obey quickly.

“Of course, we have a few rooms left. You only need three?” He looked at the coin purse hopefully.

“If you have one or two more available beyond the three necessary, perhaps when the rest of my companions come we will be able to rent them as well. Until they have arrived, the three will be plenty.” She smiled at the innkeeper and he smiled back at her. They came to an agreement and she went up to the rooms. She chose the smallest of them for herself, as she was not going to share it, then asked Roland to deliver a letter to the Chantry telling Alistair where they could be found. She then shut her door and stretched out on the bed. It was the first time in days that she could sleep without worrying about doing watch.

The nightmare came quick and hard, putting her on a battlefield covered in blood. She was reveling in the violence, throwing spells at the enemy and pushing herself beyond her own limits. She could hear the archdemon singing to her again, tempting her with more power, more stamina… simply more. “To achieve this”, the creature said, “you just need to kill the other warden.” When Isabeaux did not immediately agree she was filled with excruciating pain. Isabeaux’s body bowed unnaturally and the muscles on her neck stood out like cords. “See how quickly that he turns on you?” The voice stroked over her, soothing the pain and she saw Alistair coming at her, his sword at the ready. She stood her ground and waited. The dream Alistair faded before he could reach her. “You have so much potential. Why waste it on such a fool’s errand. Join me, because you cannot defeat me.”

Isabeaux could hear a faint knocking far away and pushed herself closer to the sound. She forced her eyes open and the knocking was louder. Embarrassed that she might have woken other patrons, she shuffled to the door. Isabeaux unlocked the door and cracked it open. An armored hand shot through and Isabeaux was at the ready to repel the intruder. The door pushed open and on the other side was Alistair. He looked relieved to see her, and pulled her into an embrace.

Isabeaux stiffened in his arms, unsure of what to do.

“Izzy? What’s wrong? We got the message and ran over. Sten is staying outside the city. The other ladies are staying in one room, and the men in the other. Are you… alone?” His questions and words came rapid fire, disorienting her after the nightmare. She shook her head to clear it, but Alistair took it wrong.

“Who’s staying here with you?” Alistair’s eyes were narrowed as he surveyed the small room.

“No one else is staying here Alistair. I took the smallest room so that I could have it to myself. I hope you don’t mind. The innkeeper said he had other rooms, if you need one to yourself.” She kept her tone neutral as she spoke. His worry obvious, Alistair walked into the room, oblivious to the position that he was putting both of them in.

“What’s wrong, Izzy? I thought…” His voice trailed off as he looked into her eyes.

“Roland told me of your plan. Did it work?” She hurt, everywhere and wanted to blame him. It wasn’t fair, but she wanted to anyway.

“Roland… told you… Isabeaux, I know that it sounds horrible. It was. I…” He started to explain but she held up her hand.

“You should have told me what was going on in your head. I shouldn’t have heard about it from Roland, or anyone else.” She kept her voice low and even.

“You were hurting so bad Isabeaux. I didn’t want to add to it.” He walked forward to touch her. He’d missed her, she could see it in his face, but she didn’t know what he actually missed, the companionship or relationship that they had been building toward. He moved in to kiss her lips, but she turned her head and he kissed her cheek instead. “I am so sorry Isabeaux.”

She wanted to throw herself in his arms and be comforted, but instead she looked at him steadily. She touched his cheek softly and then looked out the window. “Have you made plans to go see your sister yet?”

“No.” Her eyes flicked over to him as he answered and she could see pain there. “Are you still going with me?”

“Do you want me to go?” She couldn’t even meet his eyes anymore. He tucked his fingers under her chin and lifted it up, forcing her eyes to meet his. He leaned in and kissed her tenderly, working her mouth until she opened to him. He slipped his tongue between her lips to taste her and moaned softly. She couldn’t resist him; she’d never be able to.

“Yes, I want you with me, the past days were horrible. Have I mentioned that I hate Morrigan? She criticized everything we did. I think even Leliana was tired of her near the end.” He tried to get her to smile but she couldn’t quite do it.

“When did you want to go then? I’d like to spend as little time as possible here. I feel… vulnerable.” She tried to look away,but he wouldn’t let her.

“Tomorrow soon enough? I’d like to rest in a bed for a night. If you are done with yours…” He grinned at her, trying to get them on more even ground.

“Sure… I can bunk with Zevran and Roland. That would make for an interesting evening.” She fluttered her eyelashes and smiled evilly reminding him that she knew that the men had discussed her and Alistair.

“No. It.. It’s alright. I’ll bunk with them. I’m sorry Isabeaux.” He touched her face and she relented.

“I’m sorry too.” She kissed his cheek and backed away.

“Can we begin again?” His voice was soft and filled with pain. She sat on the edge of the bed and tapped it twice. He noticed and sat next to her.

“You have to figure out whatever it is that made you run. When you have that straightened, then… we’ll see.”

“Fair enough. Isabeaux… I…” She wasn’t ready to hear what he had to say and stopped his words with a gentle kiss.

“Not yet, Alistair. Get some sleep and we’ll find Genitivi and your sister. Then we can get out of this city. It almost makes me itch being here.”

“Weren’t you born here?” Alistair was stalling but she didn’t mind.

“Yes, but I haven’t been here since I was a child. I wonder if my father still lives here.” It was more musing than anything else.

“Oh? Where would he…” His voice trailed off as he realized what he was going to say. She shrugged and smiled at him.

“If he still lived here, he would be in the Alienage. There is no need to be embarrassed. I’m not. It’s where the elves live here.” She started to get up, but he took his hand in hers.

“Did you want to go see him?” Alistair asked hopefully. Isabeaux was stunned, she hadn’t thought about even trying to see him. She looked into Alistair’s face, her surprise apparent. He couldn’t help but ask, “what?”

“I don’t know, I never thought about it. I never thought about seeing him again. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try.” She sounded uncertain and Alistair took her hand in his.

“I would like to go with you if you don’t mind.” He kissed her fingers and tried to make her smile.

“You… want to go into the Alienage? On purpose? Humans don’t go to the Alienage unless they have to. I know I’ve heard it often enough.” She smiled slightly at him.

“I want to go… with you. I’d like to meet your family.” She looked at him for a moment or two, trying to come to a decision.

“Okay, Alistair, and if you want, you can stay here tonight.”

He smiled at her until she tossed a pillow at him and pointed to the floor.

“You can sleep on the floor.” She smiled as he looked at her. Then she grabbed one of the extra blankets and laid it out on a clean space. She pushed him lightly off the bed and lay down. “Sleep well Alistair.”

He leaned in and kissed her, nibbling at her lips.

“Sweet dreams Isabeaux.” He groaned as he tried to make himself comfortable on the floor.

He woke before her, for once. He sat on the floor and watched her for a few minutes. Some of her hair had fallen across her face. Alistair moved slowly and brushed it aside, tucking it behind her ear. Her eyes fluttered open and smiled as she saw him. His hand curled against her cheek.

“Good morning Alistair.”

“Are you aware of how beautiful you look in the morning?” Isabeaux tried to determine if Alistair was joking or not, and couldn’t, so she took the comment at face value.

“Thank you. You are quite handsome yourself?” Her voice lifted in question, unsure of what response he expected. He chuckled and leaned in, pressing his lips against hers.

“I missed that. I missed being able to kiss you.” His sweet admission made her blush and she sat up. To save her sanity, she had slept in her armor and was regretting it. Isabeaux looked out the window in astonishment. The sun was well up, she had overslept. Panicking slightly, she rushed to the wash basin and splashed cold water on her face.

“Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?” Angry at herself, the words came out sharper than she intended. If he heard the tone, he ignored it.

“You were tired and needed the sleep. I brought up breakfast. When you are done, we can go see Genitivi, but before that, I need to step out for a bit. How about we meet back here in an hour and a half? That way you can do whatever women do and then we can get our errands done. Is that alright?”

She looked at him in the mirror and then nodded. Alistair grinned and stepped up behind her, leaning in slightly to kiss her neck.

“See you in an hour and a half then.” Alistair’s voice was bright as he opened the door and slipped out. Wynne was in the hall, about to knock on Isabeaux’s door and was surprised to see him leave. “Good morning Wynne. Did you need Isabeaux… or me?”

Isabeaux looked out and rolled her eyes, wondering what the lecture would be this time. Wynne stood there looking shocked at the situation. Isabeaux just left the door open and tried to repair her hair and face. She realized at that moment, she would be meeting Alistair’s sister. When Wynne walked in, Isabeaux smiled and tried to excuse herself.

“Wait a minute. What went on here?” Wynne’s voice was hushed.

“Um… Alistair insisted on sleeping on the floor, afraid for his virtue around Zevran and he brought me breakfast, although I’m really not hungry, because Alistair wants to go to the Alienage to meet my father.” Isabeaux blurted it all out as she thought it, becoming more uneasy about going to the Alienage. “I will need something nice to wear; I want to make my father proud.”

Leliana poked her head in. “Are we to go shopping? I mean, after all we are in Denerim, we should go.”

Isabeaux had missed Leliana’s good humor. “Do you mind taking me? I only have an hour and a half and part of that will need to be taken up with getting ready.”

Leliana grabbed Isabeaux by the arm and hauled her past Wynne. “We have no time to lose then.”

An hour later, Isabeaux had paid the innkeeper for another night of rooms, per Leliana’s request. They had flown through the stores, looking for just the right outfit for the mage warden. Soon, Isabeaux was trussed up in a ready-made dress of a soft blue that came to mid-calf. Delicate slippers of a matching shade graced her feet. Leliana had bought a similar pair in a darker color and wanted to go dancing that evening to show them off, necessitating another night in the inn. Leliana had then spent twenty minutes fussing with Isabeaux’s hair, to make it presentable. Wynne came in and slipped a black ribbon around Isabeaux’s throat with a simple sapphire pendant on it. The two women gushed over her looks, although Wynne didn’t look happy at the chain of events. Unbeknown to either woman, Isabeaux had managed to purchase one more thing, a gift for Alistair. She hoped that she would have the courage to give the amulet to him, but when she had seen it, she knew he needed it.

Five minutes after Leliana had declared her ready to go, Alistair had come back to the room. He stared at Isabeaux in amazement, until she blushed and looked away.

“You are a vision.” He took both her hands in his and kissed them. “You look far to fine too be visiting family and a scholar.”

“I wanted to look nice… for my father… for… you.” She couldn’t meet his eyes.

“You did this for me? Isabeaux… I… I don’t know what to say.” Her lips were lightly glossed and he didn’t want to mess her up, so he kissed her cheek instead. “You are beautiful.”

“We should go. Genitivi first.” Alistair nodded. When Zevran and Roland found out about their destination, they insisted on joining the Wardens.

** Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid - Fydor Dostoyevsky **


  1. retln8
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    Marec.. she gets revenge... in small ways...but she is at the core a softie and right or wrong... better or worse... she loves the dweeb.
  2. mareczek00713
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    So now I don't know - she tries do be a consequent leader and tries to keep his hearth stable, yet simply forgives a man after such a plan. And I already hoped for some nice revenge (sleeping on the floor doesn't really count).
  3. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    wonderful once again...seems Wynne is trying to poke her nose in again... and I imagine there is some good chats coming up as well to savour... and all ending with a lovely quote..and so true.. it is the things unsaid we most regret
  4. aijase
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    endorse ...good work, but the quote is great!