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Agent's No HUD Camera (Working on Dota 2 REBORN)
I noticed the old moviemaking script floating around for a long time to remove the HUD was no longer working with the Reborn update in 2021, so this allows you to hide the HUD on Dota 2's Source 2 Reborn update as of the date of upload, for use with moviemaking or screenshotting during demo playback. It does not work outside of demo playback.
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Agent's No HUD Camera (Working on Dota 2 REBORN)
I noticed the old moviemaking script floating around for a long time to remove the HUD was no longer working with the Reborn update in 2021, so this allows you to hide the HUD on Dota 2's Source 2 Reborn update as of the date of upload, for use with moviemaking or screenshotting during demo playback. It does not work outside of demo playback.