Door Kickers 2: Task Force North
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  • Door Kickers 2: Task Force North
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  • AKM-16 Underfolder

    AKM-16 Underfolder

    Last Update: 30 Sep 2023
    Author: AnthonyDNB
    Uploader: AnthonyDNB

    Ahmed decided to do some DIY work on one of the AKs in the rear with an addition of an M16 style carry handle, he asserted that the accuracy is improved compared to regular irons and with some tinkering, he managed to equip a western rail mount to adapt to the surpluses that the Americans have left us but between you and me, I won't go near it

    • 1.2MB
    • 5
    • --

    AKM-16 Underfolder

    Last Update: 30 Sep 2023
    Author: AnthonyDNB

    Ahmed decided to do some DIY work on one of the AKs in the rear with an addition of an M16 style carry handle, he asserted that the accuracy is improved compared to regular irons and with some tinkering, he managed to equip a western rail mount to adapt to the surpluses that the Americans have left us but between you and me, I won't go near it