File information

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Original upload

Created by

Konvaz and Velser

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About this mod

Battle each Boss in consecutive order. Available for the Campaign and The Ancient Gods: Part 1.

Permissions and credits
For Update 6.66 Rev 2.2

Information on how to use and create mods are in the DOOM Eternal Modding Wiki:

This mod pulls assets from various resources, which may cause mod conflicts.
To prevent bugs/crashes, you should only have ONE LEVEL MOD installed at a time.
If you are still experiencing issues, you may also need to minimize any amount of excess mods.

Supported Languages: English
Playing this mod with unsupported languages will cause all its added/modified text to remain in English.


Start Boss Rush from a New Save File
This mod replaces the Base Campaign and TAG1 Campaign

Rounds in the Base Campaign:

Round 1: Doom Hunter
Round 2: Marauder
Round 3: Gladiator
Round 4: Kalibas
Round 5: Khan Maykr
Final Round: Icon of Sin

- In the Base Campaign, you begin the run with all Runes, all available Weapon Mods, and all Praetor Tokens in the Environmental, Exploration, and Fundamentals categories.
- Be sure to check for upgrade points gained at the beginning of each round.

Rounds in The Ancient Gods: Part 1:
Round 1: Trial of Maligog
Round 2: Samur

Additional Notes:
- There is one Extra Life pickup between each round.
- Sentinel Armor is not available in any boss fight.

- After completing a level, you will be immediately sent to the next round without an End-of-Level screen. This is to prevent crashes when in mission select.
- Loading a level that contains one of the bosses from an existing save will immediately take you to the boss arena.