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Thumbnail and Custom Text made by Velser.
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Brought back some of the BFG pickups in the Icon of Sin fight.
The Sentinel Hammer receives its upgrades by the Final Round.
Version Master 2.0
Incorporated the Sentinel Hammer into the Player's arsenal. Boss fights are scaled accordingly to it.
Reworked the Marauder fight. Multiple Marauders are present instead of just one Possessed Marauder.
Removed the damage increase to the Icon of Sin's forehead beam attack. This was mostly because the Icon sometimes does not telegraph that attack properly, resulting in a bullshit insta-kill.
Version Master 1.1
Reworked the Icon of Sin fight. He buffs demons instead of cycling through random summons.
Fixed an issue where some demons would not despawn after glory killing the Gladiator.
Other minor tweaks.
Version 3.1
Updated for version 6.66 - revision 2.2
Sentinel Crystals no longer stop the player when activated.
The Marauder no longer has extra health. Instead, a second Marauder spawns.
Version 3.0.1
Fixed an issue in the Trial of Maligog round where the back door did not remain closed.
Mitigated any assetsinfo conflicts that may revert the vanilla bug where the Doom Hunter Stage 1 fight will sometimes not have its second wave of enemies spawn.
Version 3.0
Updated for version 6.66 - revision 2
Internally restructured and updated the level files (normal players won't notice this).
Added Boss Rush for TAG1.
The Standard Edition is simply renamed to just "Boss Rush".
Version 2.5
Standard Edition is updated for version 6.66 - revision 1
Version 2.4
Standard Edition is updated for version 6.4
Removed some redundant files.
Version 2.3
Standard Edition is updated for version 6.3
Kalibas has been added as a boss. It is buffed as well.
This a band-aid patch. A more polished version (and Master Edition) will come out later.
Version 2.2
Updated for the new strings format. It should prevent conflictions with other mods that edit english text.
Version 2.0
Updated for version 5.0
Gave the Ballista and Chaingun to the Player in the Marauder fight rather then the Gladiator fight.
Removed the specific weapon resistances to the Khan Maykr and instead increased her overall health.
Removed the automap.
Switched some of the initial weapon mods to more commonly used mods when starting a new game.
Version 1.42
Fixed a potential softlock if you destroy the first Doom Hunter's sled extremely fast.
Greatly increased the stagger duration of the Marauder.
Version 1.41
Fixed an issue with Extra Life pickups not showing up after reloading a checkpoint.
Version 1.4
Fixed a vanilla bug where the Doom Hunter Stage 1 fight will sometimes not have its second wave of enemies spawn, and the "Useless machine. Attack!" line not properly occurring.
Added Extra Life pickups in between rounds.
Version 1.3
Removed Sentinel Armor prompt when dying a few times.
More polishing.
Version 1.2
Doom Hunters have all their glory kill animations.
Fighting the Marauder from a loaded checkpoint now has proper health bonus.
Version 1.1
Fixed crash in mission select.
Removed mission challenges.
Version 1.0
For Update 6.66 Rev 2.2
Information on how to use and create mods are in the DOOM Eternal Modding Wiki:https://wiki.eternalmods.com/ This mod pulls assets from various resources, which may cause mod conflicts. To prevent bugs/crashes, you should only have ONE LEVEL MOD installed at a time. If you are still experiencing issues, you may also need to minimize any amount of excess mods.
Supported Languages: English Playing this mod with unsupported languages will cause all its added/modified text to remain in English.
Start Boss Rush from a New Save File This mod replaces the Base Campaign and TAG1 Campaign
Rounds in the Base Campaign: Round 1: Doom Hunter Round 2: Marauder Round 3: Gladiator Round 4: Kalibas Round 5: Khan Maykr Final Round: Icon of Sin
- In the Base Campaign, you begin the run with all Runes, all available Weapon Mods, and all Praetor Tokens in the Environmental, Exploration, and Fundamentals categories. - Be sure to check for upgrade points gained at the beginning of each round.
Rounds in The Ancient Gods: Part 1: Round 1: Trial of Maligog Round 2: Samur
Additional Notes: - There is one Extra Life pickup between each round. - Sentinel Armor is not available in any boss fight. - After completing a level, you will be immediately sent to the next round without an End-of-Level screen. This is to prevent crashes when in mission select. - Loading a level that contains one of the bosses from an existing save will immediately take you to the boss arena.