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  1. R2ch0
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Doesnt work on my end. Every time i wanna start the lvl it crashes at 80% at the loading screen. Starting from a fresh save file doesnt fix it either.
    1. nxmxlxss
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      This level also worked perfectly fine for me: no bugswith ai, checkpoints or portals.

      Try to make the same steps i said to you in the UAC Slaughter Map. Let me know if it made any changes to you.
    2. R2ch0
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nope, even putting the settings down to low doesnt do anything. I have a 1 sec stutter at 80% and then the game crashes after a couple of seconds. I have only your mod active
    3. nxmxlxss
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Hmm.. did u also tried to check ur game for any corrupted files? Cuz i cant imagine what causes the problem / crash. same with the UAC Map.
  2. Ratentaisou
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I made an add-on mod that enables starting the level mod from a new TAG 2 save file with arsenal and codex fully unlocked (minus the Custom AIs') in order to prevent progression loss from potential crashes.

    "Wait, isn't the level already able to be started from a new save as stated from the mod page's description?"
    Kind of but not really. Despite what the mod description says, nxmxlxss seems to have forgotten to change the level's starting loadout so you're basically forced to play the level without ever having the hammer.

    Additional Features:
    • Starting arsenal uses the more commonly-used/essential weapon mods and runes such as Precision Bolt, Lock-On Rockets, Air Control, etc.
    • Custom Codex Listings that merges the Codex from the base campaign, TAG 1 and TAG 2.
    • Minor update to the Behemoth's Codex entry as per my suggestion to Nayrham on the Ultimate Custom AI Collection

    Download the mod from my Google Drive.
    Open the "New Save Add-Ons" folder and download the "E5M1 - The World Spear Slaughter Map by nxmxlxss New Game"
    Install the add-on mod alongside the actual The World Spear Slaughter Map mod.

    Even another great Slaughter Map! There's tons of tanky demons on each encounter, but it never felt unfair and are just the perfect length to not overstay their welcome.

    In terms of difficulty comparison, I'd say this map is around 3 levels harder than the official Taras Nabad Master Level, and it takes around 40-60 minutes to complete for the first time including restarts.

    The enemies on the Torch of Kings mini-arena have an issue where enemies can walk on top of it, and if they stay for more than 2 seconds they would die of fall damage, which especially affects Possessed demons and their increased aggression as shown in this screenshot.
    Perhaps placing a tubular barrier around the torch would prevent this issue.
    1. nxmxlxss
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      You speedrun the level mods rn? ^^ About the torch arena issue: its a map GEO problem so that means its sadly not possible to patch that & a barrier just blocks the Arena space so its just unlucky i guess? Or maybe i can find another spot lets see.
  3. Victoreznov1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    just tons of demons and thats it, 10 spirit mancubus 10 cyber mancubi 10 tyrants hundreds of flying things like caco and pain, nothing creative not at all balanced might crash your game happened to my 16 ram i5 12th rtx 2060 computer, .... nothing special about.. the same map with millions of demons trying to kill you.
    1. nxmxlxss
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      yee, slaughter maps, what should i say?
    2. Amnu42
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      D3NN1Z es tut mir leid, aber der Typ hat recht. Es ist definitiv keine gute Map! In der zweiten Arena befindet sich in der Mitte des Platzes eine große unsichtbare Box, man kann sich dort nicht richtig bewegen. Die Spawner sind eine einzige Katastrophe, manchmal spawnen alle Gegner gleichzeitig und manchmal spawnt dann nur 1 - 2 Whiplashes, mehr nicht. In der dritten Arena spawnen die Dämonen nicht in der Arena, sondern nur außerhalb. Sobald die orangenen Wände erscheinen, spawnen innerhalb der Arena keine Dämonen mehr, so das ich nur noch mit "killai" weiterkommen konnte. Es ist nur konstruktive Kritik!

      Du solltest die Map überarbeiten oder offline nehmen. So wie sie aktuell ist, ist sie unspielbar!