Detroit: Become Human
Some Impressions

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The game has been out for a few years, originally on PlayStation. It was on sale last week,
so I bought a copy. It's different from most RPG's in that there are a myriad of outcomes
depending on the choices you make -- some good, some bad. Your goal is to save the
Androids from extermination. (Think FO4 Underground Railroad.) You play/control three
main characters in alternating chapters of the game.

In my first play through, I managed to get them all killed. The second time, all three of the main
characters survived, but most of the secondary characters were killed. Better, but... In the third
play through, I went to the Wiki to get some tips and with that help I managed to save all the
main characters as well as the secondary actors. The main problem is that I'm used to playing
Fallout and Red Dead, where you generally shoot first and ask questions later. That's not so good
in this game.

It is a good game played in third person; has well-developed characters, graphics and a great
story. Often fast paced, sometimes emotional and touching, sometimes brutal, but unfortunately
not many funny scenes. Not any actually, I don't think. The main problem I had was using the
keyboard and mouse commands. As always, that's a problem in a game converted from console.
The game is completely linear unfortunately, but it has to be because of all the inter-dependent
choices that you have to make for the intermingled characters.

The graphics in the game are sensational. I can't see much difference between the detail in the cut
away scenes and the game play graphics. Here is a sample of a scene where Marcus, one of the
main characters, meets the Android soothsayer, Lucy.

Click through to see 
Marcus Meets Lucy.

The main picture is Chloe, an Android, who greets you pleasantly every time you launch the game.
Come to think of it, she is on occasion funny and teasing.

And also here's a sample video of 
Chloe's Intro.

When you start playing, there is an intro chapter, then you are introduced to Kara, one of the main
characters. I thought -- wait a minute -- I know her. Kara was introduced by Sony and Quantic
Dream about ten years ago. I remembered this touching video. At the time I thought it was simply
a test of some CGI animation they were working on. I'm glad they developed it into a game and
kept Kara's character.


A few of my Favorite Storytellers, Cartoonists, Modders, and Screen Shooters.
Take a look at their work – you’ll thank yourself for the effort.

7thNightHawk, Acpanda, Avalos, Bennzoor, Bernt, Blu377, Blass1912, Brigand231, brutalbandit, Cavalier753, choochoo1, Corfus, Culuf, Davethedrunk, Dazaster, DeathbyKitty, DeltaFour21Bravo, Denzel4444, Derpsdale, deshaz, DhuBlaidd, Dibthelegend, theEggman99, etholas, FastBlackCat, friffy, frank213, fristo, TheFourthHorse, gmg2dave, Gopher, hammerscp, Heaventhere, ilovevobla, Ista3, jim_uk, Karna5, Klaxoid, Lazman555, LedLeech, Lee5lee, MagdalenaA, MaGlas, Marthos, Millenia, MissMorose, moterovinus, nivea, prodlimen, ProtectorDrake, Reaper, Reimar67, reveccamorikava, ritchieblackmore, Riven1978, RogueCyborg, rth119, SanDhum, sinapus, skywolle, SomewhatWindy, Stavetskaya, tgstyle24, thesarantis, Thrax7545, Thuggysmurf, TomDean, tgstyle24, TreyM, Vermi77, VoDovaKiin, Vronykah, WastelandWarlord99, Wolfgrimdark, 83Willow, Xazomn, zzjay


  1. Bernt
    • premium
    • 382 kudos
    The first video was - to me at least- pretty darn unsettling. The atmosphere is downright amazing. The graphics definitely makes even FO4 look like an ancient game. Chloe looks interesting. And almost TOO human.........
    Kara....... I just sat shaking my head in wonder.......... a lump in m y throat. I guess we've already got Kara in FO4 - the 3rd gen synths. Though not quite the same amazing CGI quality. She also reminds me of Andrea. Goes to show the kind of job Dizzasterjuice did
    I'm not sure this is my kind of game. But it is always interesting to get an insight into another game. And I can see the fascination in playing a game where you actually feel your actions make a difference
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Yeah, good comments -- all true. Because the Synths are enemies to most of the factions in FO4, I started the game with an anti-Android prejudice. Once I realized how human these Androids are, my feelings changed. Also all of them are basically slaves and treated very badly. The best part of the game is that it makes you think about AI and robots in the future -- friend or foe?
  2. Culuf
    • premium
    • 182 kudos
    I've seen walkthroughs of the whole game and thought I'd try it but my PC could barely handle it.
    Strangely, my favorite part is Kara's intro. She comes home, takes care of Alice, cleans the house and makes dinner.
    I think that means I want a model AX400 for myself :P
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Quite the domestic. I thought it was a little funny (maybe ironic) that the Android uses a robotic floor sweeper. The dish washing robot was broken though. :) Ooh, maybe the broken D/W was an omen of things to come.
  3. etholas
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    What I call a superb RPG, faults notwithstanding. Choices have consequences, the outcome changes depending on each choice. Far superior to my favourite bugbear CP 2077.  Unlike CP I was invested in each character's outcome.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Good point. Perhaps the fault lies with other RPG's. There are typically only 2 or 3 possible outcomes and the paths are pretty clear. Not so with this game. Every choice your characters make has significant impact on the direction and outcome of the game.
  4. frank213
    • premium
    • 823 kudos
    Oh wow, she looks extremely real , I don't know the game.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      She looks very real and so do most of the characters. The game has the best faces that I've ever seen. It may go on sale again for Christmas.
  5. VoDovahKiin
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    Yeah I make that same mistake in games where I'd "shoot first and ask questions later" or maybe it's not a mistake at all lol.
    The game looks amazing, I caught your vid of it on Flikr and was impressed with how it looked.
    Happy gaming :) 
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thanks. You can battle your way thru with a Glock 19 and an AR-15, but the FBI baddies show up in full tac gear with tanks and APC's. It can be done, but all your mates end up in the Android boneyard.
  6. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    I have been thinking about buying this, thanks now I will!!
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      I think you would enjoy it. Don't bring the chicken with you though.
  7. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    ah so slow and taunting would work? ...

      you made the game interesting
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      There are several peaceful demonstrations to protest the treatment of the Androids. So, in analogy -- At the OK corral, the Earp's would walk slowly through the street shouting peaceful slogans until confronted by the Clanton's. "We come in peace to restore law and order," they would say and lay down their weapons. The Clantons would happily accept their terms by mowing down the group, the good Doctor included.
  8. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    Loved the intro it looks amazingly real :))
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Chloe is quite lovely and you learn later in the game that she is the favorite Android of the robotics creator.
  9. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    I've heard from another friend who played this that the old "charge in, guns blazing" routine doesn't work well in this game.   I have this in my library, need to get around to playing it one of these years.   It's pretty amazing looking, the graphics are excellent like so many of the newest games out.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      No kidding. There are a number  of guns in the game and you can pick them up. But using them, not well-advised. Darn. It's a fairly short game -- linear -- and you can play through in 10-12 hours.
  10. Dazaster
    • premium
    • 408 kudos
    Yes, I enjoyed it, maybe time for another play. Looking back, I can see from my images that this game was when I first messed with embossing on my screenshots, lol.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      I turned on GeForce filters but hardly used it. I de-saturated the color just a bit. The graphics are amazing. A few things like the vehicles weren't  rendered all that well, but just about everything else was.