Dark Souls 2


Dagger - Found in Things Betwixt 

Royal Dirk - Sold by Chancellor Wellanger

Black Flamestone Dagger - Found in the Gutter

Parry Dagger - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora 

Bandit’s Knife - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Mytha’s Bent Blade - Transpose Mytha’s Soul from Straid

Shadow Dagger - Found at Earthen Peak

Broken Thief Sword - Found in Majula

Manikin’s Knife - Found in Harvest Valley 

Umbral Dagger - Found in Iron Passage 

Blue Dagger - Found in Brume Tower

Retainer’s Short Sword - Drop from Retainer

Straight Sword 

Shortsword - Found in Majula

Longsword - Sold by Lenigrast, found before heide

Sword of Moonlight - Found in the Pit need forgotten keys

Yellow Quartz Longsword - Found in Iron Passage 

Black Dragon Sword - Found in Dragon Shrine

Broken Straight Sword - Found in Things Betwixt

Broadsword - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Foot Solder Sword - Drop from Hollow Infantry 

Varangian Sword - Drops from Varangian 

Heide Knight Sword - Drop from Heide Knight in Forest of Fallen Giants

Blue Flame - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora, farmed from Leydia witch

Red Rust Sword - Sold by Vengarl

Sun Sword - Found in Harvest Valley 

Drakekeeper Sword - Found at Dragon Aerie

Puzzling Stone Sword - Found in Shulva 

Ashen Warrior Sword - Dropped from Ashen Warrior

Fume Sword - Transpose Fume Knight Soul from Ornifex

Possessed Armor Sword - Found in Iron Passage 

Ivory Straight Sword - Transpose Aava’s Soul from Straid


Bastard Sword - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Bluemoon Greatsword - Rewarded from Benhart or kill him

Claymore - Sold by Mcduff, found in lost bastille

Flameberge - Found in Iron Keep

Drangleic Sword - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants

Throned Greatsword - Transpose Mirror Knight soul from Ornifex 

Moonlight Greatsword - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora 

Mastodon Greatsword - Found in Drangleic Castle

Dark sword - Get from Darkdriver Grandahl

Ruler’s Sword - Transpose Vendrick’s Soul from Ornifex

Mirrah Greatsword - Reward from Lucatiel, or kill her

Old Mirrah Greatsword - Found in Earthen Peak

Black Dragon Greatsword - Rank Covenant, or dropped by Dragonfang Villard

Black Knight Greatsword - Guarded by a Syan Knight in Grave of Saints

Royal Greatsword - Dropped from Royal Swordsmen

Old Knight Greatsword - Dropped from Old Knights, found in chest forest of fallen giants ng+

Defender Greatsword - Transpose Prince of Alken Souls from Straid 

Watcher Greatsword - Transpose Moonlight Princess from Straid

Key to the Emedded - Get from Song Demon

Drakeblood Greatsword - Found in Dragon Sanctum, Shulva

Majestic Greatsword - Found in a chest in Eleum Loyce

Charred Loyce Greatsword - Dropped from Charred Loyce Knights

Loyce Greatsword - Transpose from boss soul

Greatsword of Forlorn - Found in Drangleic Castle 

Ultra Greatswords

Pursuer’s Ultra Greatsword - Transpose Pursuer’s Soul from Straid

Zweihander - Found in No Man’s warf

Drakewing Ultra Greatsword - Transpose Ancient Dragon Souls from Straid

Drakewing Ultra Greatsword - Transpose Guardian Drake soul from Ornifex

King’s Ultra Greatsword - Transpose Vendrick soul from Ornifex

Drakekeeper Ultra Greatsword - found in dragon aerie

Old Knight Ultra Greatsword - Dropped from old Knights

Black Knight Ultra greatsword - Found in Brume Tower

Greatsword - Sold by Vengarl, Found in Shulva

Smelter Sword - Transpose Smelter Demon’s Soul from Straid 

Crypt Blacksword - Transpose Gravelord Soul from Straid

Lost Sinner’s sword - Transpose Lost Sinner’s soul from Straid

Fume Knight Ultra Greatsword - Transpose Fume Souls from Ornifex

Aged Smelter Sword - Transpose Smelter Soul from Straid

Ivory King Ultra - Transpose Ivory King soul from Ornifex

Curve Sword

Scimitar - Found in Lost Bastille 

Red Rust Scimitar - Sold from Vengarl

Spider Fang - Transpose Freja Soul from Straid

Melu Scimitar - Sold by Gilligan

Monastery Scimitar - Found in a chest in Blue Cathedral 

Falchion - Sold by Lenigrast, found in huntsman’s copse, found in shulva

Shotel - Found in huntsman’s copse

Warped Sword - Transpose Flexile Sentry from Straid

Manikin’s Saber - Found in Harvest Valley

Eleum Loyce - Tranpose Alsanna’s soul from Ornifex


Uchigatana - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Washing Pole - Found in Harvest Valley

Chaos Blade - Found in Eleum Loyce

Black iron Katana - Found in Iron Keep

White steel Katana - Found in Giant Memories 

Hitokiri - Found in Shulva

Berserker Blade - Found in Brume Tower

Darkdrift - Transpose Gravelord Soul from Straid

Bewitched Alonne sword - Transpose Sir Alonne’s soul from Ornifex

Curve Greatsword 

Murakumo - Found at the Lost Bastille 

Ebony Murakumo - Found in Alonne's Quarters

Arced Sword - Transpose Flexile Sentry soul from Straid

Curved Dragon Greatsword - Transpose from Ancient Dragon Souls from Straid or Ornifex

Curved Nil Greatsword - Found in Eleum Loyce

Piercing Swords

Estoc - Sold by Lenigrast, Found in earthen peak

Mail Breaker - Found in No Man’s Warf

Rapier - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants, sold by Ornifex

Dark Sting - Found in lost bastille

Ricard’s Rapier - Found in Eleum Loyce behind hidden wall

Chaos Rapier - Found in Shrine of Amana, sold by Felkin

Black Scorpion Stinger - Rewarded by Tark or Killed

Spider Silk - Transpose Freja’s Souls from Straid

Espada Ropera - Given by Chancellor Wellager

Ice Rapier - Found in Eleum Loyce

Dragonslayer Crescent Axe - Found in Shaded Woods

Bound Hand Axe - Found in Undead Purgatory 

Hand Axe - Sold by Rosabeth, found in forest of fallen giants

Battle Axe - Found in Creighton's Cell in Huntsman's Copse

Bandit Axe - Found in Shaded Woods

Infantry Axe - Dropped from Infantry 

Gyrm Axe - Found in Door of Pharros 

Butcher’s Knife - Transposed Rotten Soul from Straid


Greataxe - Sold by Mcduff 

Bandit Greataxe - Found in Shrine of Amana

Golden Greataxe - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora 

Lion Greataxe - Dropped from Lion warriors

Giant Stone Axe - Transpose Giant Lord soul from Straid

Gyrm Greataxe - Rewarded by Gavlaan, or kill him. Dropped from Gyrm

Black Dragon Greataxe - Dropped from dragon knight

Black Knight Greataxe - Found in Earthen Peak

Drakekeeper Greataxe - Found in Dragon Aerie 

Crescent Axe - Sold by Targray 


Homunculus Mace - Found in Aldia’s Keep

Craftman’s Hammer - Found in a chest in Lost Bastille 

Mace - Sold by Lenigrast 

Club - Sold by Melentia 

Morning Star - Found in Harvest Valley

Reinforced Club - Sold by Gilligan 

Mace of Insolent - Found in Shulva

Handmaid Ladle - Kill Millibeth

Blacksmith’s Hammer - Given by Lenigrast 

Black Dragon Warpick - Drop from dragon knight 

Aldia Hammer - Drop from dragon acolyte

Barbed Club - Transpose Flexile Sentry soul from Straid

Great Hammer

Large Club - Found in the Lost Bastille 

Great Club - Found in Brume Tower

Bone Crusher - Found in the Gutter

Gyrm Great Hammer - Drops from Gyrm, found in harvest valley

Iron King Hammer - Transpose Iron King soul from Straid

Malformed Shell - Dropped by mimic in Aldia’s keep

Malformed Skull - Dropped from Abomination 

Dragon Tooth - Found in Eleum Loyce

Giant Warrior Club - Found in aldia’s keep

Demon’s Great Hammer - Found in Frigid Outskirts 

Archdrake mace - Found in lost bastille

Old Knight Hammer - Found in Drangleic Castle

Drakekeeper’s Great Hammer - found in dragon aerie

Sacred Chime Hammer - Transpose Velstadt Soul from Ornifex 

Drakekeeper’s Warpick - Found in Dragon Aerie

Pickaxe - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora, found harvest valley

Sanctum Mace - Found in Shulva

Smelter Hammer - Found in Brume Tower

Fist/Claw weapons

Caestus - Sold by Maughlin 

Crimson Caestus - Found in Undead Purgatory 

Claws - Sold by Gilligan 

Malformed Claws - Rewarded by Tark

Manikin Claws - Dropped by Manikin, found in earthen peak

Work Hook - Given by Chloanne or kill her

Bone Fist - Found in Eleum Loyce


Winged Spear - Dropped from Hollow soldier

Parzitan - Sold by Lenigrast 

Spear - sold by Lenigrast

Pike - Found in huntsman’s copse

Stone Soldier Spear - Dropped from stone soldier 

Silverback Spear - Drops from Grave Wardens

Heide Spear - Drops from Heide Knight in Lost Bastille 

Pate’s Spear - Rewarded by Pate or kill him for it

Channeler’s Trident - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora 

Spitfire Spear - Found in Iron Keep

Dragonslayer Spear - Transpose Ornstein Spear from Straid

Gargoyle Bident - Transpose Gargoyle soul from Straid

Pilgrim’s Spontoon - Found in Eleum Loyce

Yorgh Spear - Transpose Sinh Soul from Ornifex 

Dragonrider’s Halberd - Transpose Dragonrider’s Soul from Straid 

Halberd - Dropped from Hollow Soldier

Luceme - Found in Shrine of Amana 

Scythe - Sold by Mcduff 

Mastodon Halberd - Dropped from Mastodon 

Santier’s Spear - Found in Brume Tower

Blue Knight Halberd - Drop from Targray 

Old Knight Halberd - Found in No Man’s Warf

Old knight Pike - Found in Brume Tower

Syan’s Halberd - Dropped by Syan Knight guarding Aldia’s Keep

Black Knight Halberd - Found in Forest of fallen giants

Roaring Halberd - Transpose Skeleton Lord Soul from Straid

Helix Halberd - Found in Doors of Pharros 

Wrathful Axe - Transpose Elana soul from Ornifex


Heide Lance - Drop from Heide Knight in the Black Gulch

Heide Greatlance - Found in Heide’s Tower of Flame

Grand Lance - Found in Giant Memories

Chariot Lance - Transpose Chariot soul from Straid

Rampart Golem Lance - Found in Eleum Loyce

Crescent Sickle - Sold by Tichy Gren

Great Scythe - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora, found in grave of saints

Silverback Sickle - Dropped from grave wardens

Great Machete - Dropped from Gaolers

Full Moon Sickle - Drop from Artificial Undead

Scythe of Nahr Alma - Kill Tichy Gren

Bone Scythe - Transpose Covetus Demon’s Soul from Straid

Scythe of Want - Transpose Nashandra soul from Ornifex

Scythe of the Forlorn - Dropped from Folorn or Found in Shaded Woods

Whip - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Notched Whip - Found in Huntsman’s Copse

Blooded Whip - Found in Shulva

Spotted Whip - Transpose Song Demon’s Soul from Straid

Old Whip - Found in Grave of Saints


Short bow - Found in Majula

Long bow - Sold by McDuff 

Composite Bow - Sold by Ornifex

Sea Bow - Found in Lost Bastille 

Dragonrider Bow - Transpose Dragonrider Soul from Straid

Bell keeper’s bow - Found in Belfry Luna

Bow of Want - Transpose Nashandra’s Soul from Ornifex 

Hunter’s Blackbow - Found in Eleum Loyce

Great bow

Alonne’s Greatbow - Drop from Alonne Captain, Found in Alonne’s Quarters

Dragonslayer’s Greatbow - Found in Eleum Loyce

Possessed Armor Greatbow - Found in Brume Tower

Twin-Headed Greatbow - Found in Shulva


Light Crossbow - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Heavy Crossbow - Sold by McDuff, Found in forest of fallen giants ng+

Shield Crossbow - Transpose Chariot soul from Straid

Avelyn - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora 

Sanctum Repeating Crossbow - Found in Shulva

Sanctum Crossbow - Found in Shulva


Pyromancy Flame - Found in Things Betwixt or get from Rosabeth 

Dark Pyromancy Flame - Get in the Gutter


Cleric’s Sacred Chime - Found in Majula, Sold by Licia

Witchtree Bellvine - Found in Shrine of Amana 

Priest Chime - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Dragon Chime - Get from Grandahl

Chime of Want - Transpose Nashandra’s Soul from Ornifex 

Archdrake Chime - Sold from Cromwell

Idol’s Chime - Get from Licia

Caitha’s Chime - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora 

Protective Chime - Found in Grave of Saints 

Disc Chime - Found in Belfry Sol

Chime of Scream - Transpose Nadalia’s Soul from Ornifex 


Bone Staff - Sold by Rosabeth

Witchtree Branch - Dropped from Witchtree mages, found in shrine of amana

Lizard Staff - dropped from hollow mage

Transgressor’s Staff - Sold by Grandahl

Sorcerer’s Staff - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Staff of Amana - Found in Shrine of Amana 

Olenforn’s Staff - Found in Undead Crypt 

Archdrake Staff - Sold by Felkin, found in lost bastille

Bat Staff - Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora 

Staff of Wisdom - Get from Straid, or kill him

Sunset Staff - Get from Felkin or kill him

Black Witch’s Staff - Drop from Leydia witch

Azal’s staff - Found in Eleum Loyce

Retainer’s Staff - Drops from retainer

Twinblade - Found in Forest of Fallen Giants 

Stone Twinblade - Drop from Stone Knight

Dragonrider Twinblade - Transpose Dragonrider Soul from Straid

Red Iron Twinblade - Found in Brume Tower

Curved Twinblade - Found in Lost Bastille 

Sorcerer’s Twinblade - Dropped by Covetous Demon in Eleum Loyce

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  1. Dimitros959
    • member
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    The DarkDrift katana is nowhere to be found. I talked with the Grave Lord to try and get it that way, and then i killed him to get his soul which was not dropped.
     I am very confused please help me.
  2. coldbrad
    • member
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    can some one  tell me how to get the staff of wisdom, Straid isn't giving it to me or selling it, and i'd rather not kill him for it.
    1. JoelEBCT
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      trade petrified something to the crows, a little rng tho.

      At first straid wasn't selling it to me either, but a while later after getting the staff from the crows he added it to his inventory. It probably updates based on how far you are in the game or maybe u need to buy some stuff from him first.
  3. JoelEBCT
    • member
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    Key to the embedded is in a chest right next to the embedded, not dropped from semon of dong
  4. xZackixO
    • member
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    Does aonyone know where exactly the Red Iron Twinblade is located? Searched every corner in Brume Tower but didn´t find it :(
    Thx :)
  5. Timberwolftrass2005
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    Does anyone know where the Drakeblood Greatsword is located? I've been searching around Shulva but I can't find it.

    nevermind, i found it. it's in a room behind the hidden wall where the bonfire used to be in the vanilla version. i had forgotten all about the hidden room in here XD
  6. britishwolf87
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    Moonlight great sword can't find in brightstone ?
    1. SoulsTrihexa
      • member
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      im looking for it too, and already have the pale dragon soul :(
    2. Jennasuxs
      • member
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      Here you go!
    3. anabiiz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah... So that's why I can't find it.
  7. xkiux
    • member
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    I couldnt find Heide Greatlance on Flame Tower. I'v double check it, there is no Heide Greatlance.
    1. liszka666
      • member
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      Yep, thats right. It just prob dropped from one of HK sleeping  NEAR Heide tower.
    2. FetorMortem
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      You didn't look hard enough
  8. liszka666
    • member
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    Does anyone know the location for Heide Greatlance ? I basically downloaded this mod for a chance to finally get this weapon xd It is not located in the Tower of Flame :⁠-⁠(
    1. FetorMortem
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      You must kill Ornstein, then when approaching the blue covenant dude look left and activate a wooden plank on the wall. You'll be transported to a library. Climb atop the bookshelves and make you way to the far chest in the back.
  9. Nowt
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    The Fume Ultra Greatsword requires a Scaleless Soul to transpose it - does anyone know who/what drops this? Not fully played through this mod yet but I know it doesn't drop from bonfire intensity 2 Fume Knight from my own testing.
    1. FetorMortem
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      My guess is you have to kill freja on NG+ and she'll drop it.
  10. ponygon
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    does anyone know where the Ebony Murakumo is? it's not in Alonne's quarters