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Skyrim Nexus - One year on

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We’ve already got two articles up in the news looking back on Skyrim and celebrating its one year anniversary, but I just wanted to make a quick article celebrating one year of Skyrim mods on Skyrim Nexus, and to dissect the publically available site stats information to publicise some sensationalist figures. Because I kind of like doing it myself from time to time, and I thought I’d share my findings.

By applying some simple maths to the stats we can work out some pretty interesting stuff. Using 365 days in a year, and 86,400 seconds in a day, lets get cracking.

New file entries
Total: 23,066
Per day: 63

Downloadable (uploaded) files
Total: 76,208
Per day: 209

Total: 154,972,860
Per day: 424,583
Per second: 5

Members with files (e.g. mod authors)
Total: 9,114
Per day: 25

File views (page views on file pages)
Total: 679,734,913
Per day: 1,862,287
Per second: 22

File endorsements
Total: 1,469,037
Per day: 4,025
Per minute: 3

Image Share images
Total: 116,357
Per day: 319

Image Share image views
Total: 38,117,613
Per day: 104,432
Per second: 1

Since Skyrim’s release we’ve had over 2.17 million new members join the Nexus network. While Skyrim can’t take credit for all those registrations, it can take credit for a large proportion of them. Similarly, many people forget that the Creation Kit didn’t actually come out until 3 months after the release of Skyrim, in February 2012, so we’ve only had 9 months of CK goodness so far. So no folks, Skyrim modding certainly isn’t dying. Frankly I think the best is yet to come.


  1. dragonbeast14
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    all hail the skyrim nexus the best mooding site ever
  2. ewi65
    • BANNED
    • 814 kudos
    after one year playing skyrim and as an new modder( weapons, skystars, galaxys, etc.) i say:
    thanks for this great site, thanks to all modders for your great work and thanks to all friends and people they help and support me.
    PS: i hope the next skyrim game engine is better. you can have a big machine but skyrim sucks you
    lol XD
  3. seweryn
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos

    The only reason I'm still playing Skyrim right now is because of mods. Thank you guys for making such a wonderful website.

    Me too but from 2006 <img class=">
  4. Dahaka71
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    I love this side , thanks a lot NEXUS...you are awesome.
  5. AndrewClements
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    This is indeed a wonderful site.

    But I would like to point out that not only modders make it what it is. There are many fantastic brains who visit here and contribute, but who never make a mod. Without these people, us modders would be SEVERELY hampered.

    I guess it's like making a movie. The cast gets the major attention, but the production couldn't ever have been created without the crew also.

    And I'm in full agreement that the best is yet to come. So many fantastic mods and makeovers are now in the works...and who knows how many will be thought up in the future.

    This is the place to be.

    P.S. Why do I feel (in a good way) like I just wrote an advertisement for this site?
  6. helingduo21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  7. breti
    • member
    • 119 kudos
    Echt super...Alles Gute weiterhin und NEXUS IHR SEIT ECHT SUPER.Danke Danke
  8. Foxd1e
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    154 Million Downloads and only 1.4 Million Endorsements, That's just pathetic, there are some amazing fuckin mods on this site man. People need to be less stingy and endorse what they like! Let's double or triple that number for next year.

    @CharrGazgre so a half-hour gaming session represents an extremely addicting game for you? And 5-18 days a month is a pretty big variance on an addicting game. For me it's more like 10 hours a day on an extremely addicting game, fortunately there isn't too many of those and about 20 days a month.

    @dragonleet I know right? Lol 36 minutes I spend almost that long hanging out in Lakeview Manor, suiting my party up for another dungeon crawl. Make sure everyone's got Torches, Arrows, Potions, Top-notch armor and weapons. Their battle commands set properly. Make sure everyone's got some Silver or Magic weapons for Ghosts, Werewolves, and Vampires. Take a few minutes to marvel at how awesome my house is, and that I have fantastic companions like Vilja, Odvar, Cerwiden, Hoth, Valfar, and Anum-La the Swamp Knight all thanks to the Nexus, and also a Reason to take that many into any place thanks to Skyrim Monster Mod, Warzones, Immersive Patrols, and ASIS.
  9. dragonleet
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Yup, mad thanks to all the modders and what is given. And 36 mins? Haha, I have played this game for 9 hours solid before on some days, I rarely play less than an hour or two now, best game ever. I almost want Bethesda to take their pretty time making the next one!

    Oh I think I got lost in what I was trying to say. Thanks for this website and thanks to the modders.
  10. CharrGazgre
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Thanks for sharing the mods. Those mods enhanced my Skyrim gaming experience, totally. I think my longest playing time of this game is 36 minutes in a single day. just one day!5-18 times a month!

    It is extremely addicting, really. awesome. Thanks again.