Daggerfall Unity

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I recently published a short video documenting my Daggerfall Unity
character, exploring the bowels of Community of Vannausa (dungeon),
assigned by Daggerfall City Fighters Guild to remove a Gargoyle. We
see the crawl itself and its aftermath. DFU graphics mods are on
display. Be advised that my current DFU install is, as of early Feb
2021, dated. Since its footage was captured the game upgraded, moving
at last from Alpha to Beta status. Several mods updated in the
process, D.R.E.A.M. included. Captured at 1080p, it is rendered and
uploaded at 1440p. It looks decent at 1080p windowed. However,
dungeon fog renders more naturally at 1440p when viewed full-screen,
even on a 1080p monitor. Text narrative and music but no vocal