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Kirk O

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About this mod

Allows Buildings Other Than Just Shops To Give Descriptive Text Based On Their Quality When Entering. Also Adds More Variants And Options For This Feature.

Permissions and credits


  • The reason I started working on this mod is because I recently realized talking to another player, just how many mods are now out that actually make the building quality value that every building in the game has assigned to them, actually has an effect for various things. Such as inn quality having an effect on prices of a room, food, drink, etc. Mages Guild services having restrictions and limits based on the quality of the guildhall itself. And even from my own mods, having the training service be greatly effected by the quality of the building you are being trained in.

  • While building quality normally only mattered for places like shops, where the stock, and the prices you were offered were greatly effected by this value, it really had no practical purpose for places like temples, taverns, guildhalls, etc. So you simply are not normally given this information upon entering, unlike for shops. But with this mod, this is changed, you can now see the quality in a similar way to the vanilla shop text, but for potentially every building type, so you can take full advantage of how various mods use the inherent building quality values for their own systems and mechanics.

  • Many features here are basically fully customizable through the mod settings, primarily the frequency you will be presented with the quality description for each specific type of building/location that are supported. Also the fashion that the text will be presented, either through non-gameplay pausing HUD text, or gameplay pausing regular message boxes. How complex the wording is used for the description for either "Fancy", "Basic", or "Minimal." You can even customize how long the text is allowed to stay up if using the HUD text option, which otherwise automatically determines this duration based on the overall length of the text passage presented.

--- General Settings:
  • Display Type: In What Form You Want Text To Be Displayed.
  • Complexity Type: How Long/Complicated/Detailed You Want The Description Text To Be.
  • Min Display Time: Minimum Seconds A Message Will Display For, 0 = Automatic.
  • Max Display Time: Maximum Seconds A Message Will Display For, 0 = Automatic.
--- Quality Text Frequency:
  • Shop Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Shop Quality Text Showing.
  • Tavern Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Tavern Quality Text Showing.
  • Residence Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Residence Quality Text Showing.
  • Bank Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Bank Quality Text Showing.
  • Library Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Library Quality Text Showing.
  • Temple Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Temple Quality Text Showing.
  • Mages Guild Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Mages Guild Quality Text Showing.
  • Fighters Guild Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Fighters Guild Quality Text Showing.
  • Knight Order Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Knightly Order Quality Text Showing.
  • Thieves Guild Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Thieves Guild Quality Text Showing.
  • Dark Brotherhood Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Dark Brotherhood Quality Text Showing.
  • Palace Cooldown: In-Game Minutes Between Palace Quality Text Showing.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me on the forums: (

My Forum Account Name Is: Magicono43

Main Forum Post: 

Github Repository:


This mod should be compatible with any other mods out there.

Just one note though: If using with other mods that use similar "HUD Text" to display their various strings of text, there might be some situations of text overwhelming the screen a bit as both mods put their possibly long walls of text at the same time. Not really that big of an issue, but be aware this is possible while having other mods like "Arena-Style Flavor Text Recoded" enabled at the same time and entering buildings where both mods display their text at the same time. Nothing game-breaking, just slightly jarring to have a bit amount of text displayed all at the same time at the top of the screen.


Unzip and open the folder that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)

Copy the "betterqualitydescriptions.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods folder

Make sure the mod is enabled and "Mod system" is enabled in the starting menu under "Advanced -> Enhancements"


Remove "betterqualitydescriptions.dfmod" from the "StreamingAssets/Mods" folder.

Special Thanks:

Aaron Gimblet


Kab the Bird Ranger





