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Kirk O

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About this mod

Adds Back Various Exploits From Classic Daggerfall That Were Fixed In Unity.

Permissions and credits


Essentially the main reason I decided to make this mod, was because I got tired of hearing people complain that DFU is worse because it did not recreate the various bugs and exploits that were present in the original DOS version of the game. So this is my attempt to quell some of that frustration (of which I don't personally agree with) by adding in some of those exploits back where I thought fairly easily possible through formula overrides and such.

So basically with this mod, you can now be a high-elf and take "Critical Weakness To Paralysis" in the character creator, get the free dagger-points and still be immune to paralysis. Or take "Immunity To Poison" and be immune to the paralyzing attacks of the spider and scorpions in the game. Or even better, take "Immunity To Magic" and become immune to Poison, Disease, and Paralysis effects as well, just like in Classic! And you can take those as critical weaknesses with no downside, just like in Classic Daggerfall! Cheaters around the Bay rejoice!

If you have any questions feel free to contact me on the forums: (https://forums.dfworkshop.net/index.php)

My Forum Account Name Is: Magicono43

Main Forum Post: https://forums.dfworkshop.net/viewtopic.php?t=5613 

Github Repository: https://github.com/magicono43/DFU-Mod_Classic-Exploits


This mod will conflict with any other mod that overrides either of the "SavingThrow" methods in the "FormulaHelper.cs" script. If there is an issue, and you want this one to work, put this mod below the conflicting mods in the load-order, that or report the issue in the comments here and I'll try to deal with it eventually.


Unzip and open the folder that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)

Copy the "classicexploits.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods folder

Make sure the mod is enabled and "Mod system" is enabled in the starting menu under "Advanced -> Enhancements"


Remove "classicexploits.dfmod" from the "StreamingAssets/Mods" folder.

Special Thanks:




Kab the Bird Ranger


