About this mod
Adds Various Useful Console Commands To The Already Existing Catalogue In DFU.
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This mod is essentially just an expansion onto the existing list of console commands that Daggerfall Unity currently has. I felt that while DFU has some extremely handy commands already, it was still missing many that could be used to make players and modders alike have a better experience for debugging, testing, and just good old fun with cheating. With this, the list of commands that are currently available hopefully will be expanded even more over time as the need arises.
The rest of this section will be how to use the console in-game and how to use the commands in this mod. How to open the console in-game, at least while using an average keyboard. When you are in-game simple press the ` key, (this key is often just above the left-tab key, to the left of the 1 key, or below the 'esc' key, at least this is the case on my keyboard. Once this is pressed the game will be paused and you can now enter commands into the interface that pops up. One of the most handy commands at this point is simply 'help' when you type help on it's own you will be given a list of all registered console commands and usually how to use them. Another useful vanilla command is 'tgm' or "toggle god mod" which does many things that are great for testing like making you immune to all damage.
Usage = setattrib [attribute] [n] | [attribute] = name of attribute, [n] = number between 1 and 1000.
Description = Changes the specified attribute's value, between 1 and 1000.
Example = "setattrib endurance 70" sets your endurance to 70. "setattrib per 25" sets your personality to 25.
Usage = setskill [skill] [n] [xp] | [skill] = name of skill, [n] = number between 1 and 1000, [xp] = only type "xp" at the end if you want skill xp/tallies.
Description = Changes the specified skill's value, between 1 and 1000.
Example = "setskill jump 500" sets your jumping skill to 500. "setskill dodge 30" sets your dodging skill to 30. "setskill doctor 50 xp" gives you 50 xp/tallies to your medical skill.
Usage = changegender [male/female] | [male/female] = male, female, m, f, 0, 1, woman, man, all of these variants work.
Description = Changes your character's current gender to either male or female.
Example = "changegender male" changes character to a man of your race. "changegender female" changes character to a woman of your race.
Usage = changerace [race] | [race] = name of the desired race you want to be, such as "nord" "redguard" "lizard" "cat" "hf" various ways to enter them.
Description = Changes your character's current race.
Example = "changerace argonian" changes your race to argonian. "changerace breton" changes your race to breton.
Warning = It's highly advised to not use this as a permanent change, and is more intended for testing, some traits might get messed up potentially when changing between races, so just be aware of this.
Usage = changeface [n] | [n] = index value of the face you want for the race and gender you currently are. Must be between 0 and 9.
Description = Changes your character's current face index, for whatever race and gender you currently are.
Example = "changeface 5" changes face index value to 5.
Usage = openshop [modifier] [modifier2] [gender] [race] | Check the examples section for more details. There is ALOT of possible things to be input.
Description = Opens a shop interface with items you can freely take or try on, items populated depend on the given modifier words.
Examples =
'openshop' will open a random shop shelf from a random shop type with a random quality.
'openshop alchemist' will open an alchemist shop shelf with a random quality.
'openshop pawnshop 15' will open a pawnshop shelf with a quality of 15.
'openshop artifacts' will open a shelf with all the artifacts in the game.
'openshop weapons' will open a shelf with all the non-magic weapons in the game.
'openshop armor' will open a shelf with all the non-magic armors in the game, with morphology based on your current gender and race.
'openshop ingredients 8' will open a shelf with all ingredients 8 of each.
'openshop armor mithril female highelf' will open a shelf with all armor made of mithril with the body morphology for female elves.
'openshop clothing purple' will open a shelf with all clothing for your character's gender and race in the color purple.
'openshop consume' will open a shelf with a whole bunch of useful consumable items, if certain mods are installed will also include their items.
'openshop modded' will open a shelf with all items registered/added by other currently installed mods (some items will not properly function.)
Try different combinations, there are many specifications you can give to filter down your options in different ways.
Usage = clearcorpses [modifier] | [modifier] = "all" or "everything" to delete ALL loot-piles in the current scene, not just corpses, everything.
Description = Destroys all corpse objects from the current scene, add modifier words to specify different types to remove.
Example = 'clearcorpses' removes all corpses/enemy bodies in the current scene. 'clearcorpses all' removes ALL loot-piles from the current scene.
Usage = emptyinventory [modifier] | [modifier] = various modifiers such as "all", "wagon", "gear", "equipment", etc. Check examples for more details.
Description = Removes everything from your inventory, add additional modifier for more control of what is removed.
Example =
'emptyinventory' Removes all items from your inventory, except, quest items, light sources, horse, wagon, letters of credit, and the spellbook.
'emptyinventory all" Removes all items from your inventory, literally everything, including any gold pieces.
'emptyinventory wagon' Removes all items from your wagon inventory.
'emptyinventory gear' Removes most items, but keeps any items that are currently "equipped" on your character like clothing, armor, weapons, etc.
Usage = letmesleep
Description = Kills all enemies within range that may be disallowing you to rest, but leaves others otherside this range alive.
Example = 'letmesleep' any enemies nearby that would be blocking your ability to rest will be killed.
Usage = fastflying [n] | [n] = the speed you want to fly, can be as low as 4 (default levitation speed) or basically any positive number after that.
Description = Toggle noclip by turning off all collisions and activates levitate, but with super sonic speed as well.
Example = 'fastflying' for a very fast flying speed. 'fastflying 200' if you want a custom flying speed of whatever value between 4 and above.
Usage = clearmagic
Description = Removes all magic effect bundles from your character.
Example = 'clearmagic' removes any magic effects you are currently effected by, does not include potions, poisons, diseases, etc.
Usage = viewnpcrep
Description = Shows the associated faction reputation you currently have with the last clicked NPC.
Example = 'viewnpcrep' displays the reputation you have with the last npc you clicked.
Usage = infinitetorch
Description = Creates a torch item with practically infinite durability that won't burn out.
Example = 'infinitetorch' gives you an essentially unbreakable torch item.
Usage = questtasks | You will be presented with a list of valid quests that are currently active, choose the one you want to toggle the tasks for.
Description = Allows you to toggle the current set state for various tasks within a quest.
Example = 'questtasks' After you have selected a quest from the list, another list will come up after that which will show all of the valid task values in that quest. Things with red text are currently in a "unset" or "false" task state. Things with green text are currently in a "set" or "true" task state. When you select one of the tasks in the list it will attempt to "flip" that current task state to the opposite, if possible. So unset will become set, or set will become unset, etc.
Warning = This is a pretty WIP feature and is only recommended for those using it for quest testing or quest debugging purposes and that have a moderate knowledge of how quests work. So if you break a quest with this command, don't say I did not warn you!
- If you want EXACT numbers and information on how some mechanics and formula work in this mod, under the hood. You can look at the source code yourself from the GitHub linked lower down. You can also email/post a thread on the parent forum post linked below and I would be happy to answer any questions.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me on the forums: (https://forums.dfworkshop.net/index.php)
My Forum Account Name Is: Magicono43
Main Forum Post: https://forums.dfworkshop.net/viewtopic.php?t=5580
Github Repository: https://github.com/magicono43/DFU-Mod_Useful-Console-Commands
This mod should be compatible with all other mods out there.
Unzip and open the folder that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)
Copy the "usefulconsolecommands.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods folder
Make sure the mod is enabled and "Mod system" is enabled in the starting menu under "Advanced -> Enhancements"
Remove "usefulconsolecommands.dfmod" from the "StreamingAssets/Mods" folder.
Special Thanks:
Kab the Bird Ranger