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Vanilla Enhanced contributors

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About this mod

This mod completely overhauls Daggerfall's visuals while maintaining its original pixel art charm.

Permissions and credits
Vanilla Enhanced

This mod completely overhauls Daggerfall's visuals while maintaining its original pixel art charm. It also adds remastered vanilla skies and a huge variety of villagers and enemies.

Main Features
  • Terrain textures and most terrain flats have 4x resolution, while staying extremely faithful to vanilla aesthetics.
  • VE packages all of carademono's sprite variety mods. There are around 1,000 villager varieties (instead of vanilla's 24), 720 human enemy varieties (instead of 15), and 10-15 varieties of orcs, centaurs, and vampires. Redguard enemies now appear throughout Hammerfell.
  • NPC flats have been remastered based on the best available vanilla source -- and all are now animated.

Vanilla Enhanced Contributors
carademono (most sprites and textures)
Ninelan (no-nude sprites)
Hazelnut (villager variety coding)
Kab the Bird Ranger (animated NPCs and enemy variety coding)
Kamer (Unique town guards)
RealAKP (Kynareth's priestess)
Kokey (masked roads inspiration and advice)
King of Worms (Daedra summonings, archive 184 NPC flats, emissions textures from DREAM)

All textures used in this mod are available in carademono's GitHub repositories. They may be freely used in other mods as long as Vanilla Enhanced is credited. New contributions and pull requests to Vanilla Enhanced welcome!