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About this mod

SIGIL is a silent quest system providing numerous new random encounters and events
that can happen in wilderness of Illiac Bay depending on last location visited by a player.

Permissions and credits
SIGIL is a silent quest system that runs in the background and provides random encounters that can happen in any part of Illiac Bay wilderness depending on the last location being visited by a player and other conditions (such as time of day or climate zone).

The player may encounter merchants of various items, skill trainers, groups of enemies (enemies fighting each other and the player, ambushes on the player, ambushes on a group of enemies where the player is the bait), neutral events that can both help and hurt, groups of friendly travelers, healers and more.

While SIGIL works in a similar vein to Kamer's Warm Ashes mod, my quest system covers only wilderness (but hopefully does it very well) and does not work inside locations (dungeons, cities, taverns, etc), so it is best to use with travel-related mods (such as Travel Options).

Warm Ashes and SIGIL are compatible with each other, but it probably will be too overwhelming for most players.

SIGIL (1.9)
~ Current Version ~

Fixed big problem with quest system not recognising time of day for encounters activation.

Fixed problem with duplicate encounters happening at once after exiting specific set of locations.

Added two new encounters.

Small, assorted fixes.  

TO INSTALL (NEW GAME): Extract the SIGIL folder to /DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/QuestPacks.

(!!) IMPORTANT: SIGIL will need Enemy Infighting option (from Enhancements tab) being activated to function properly.

(!) ALSO IMPORTANTSIGIL will need Daggerfall Enemy Expansion mod being installed and activated. 

TO INSTALL (EXISTING GAME): On an existing character, use the console command startquest AZCULTSTART.

Then just let the game run normally (quest events start to happen after next location 
will be visited).

TO UNINSTALL: Delete the SIGIL folder from the /DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/QuestPacks.

TO UPGRADE: Delete reduntant folders (CitiesVillagesHamletsSIGILGraveyardsSIGILHomesSIGILModActivatorSIGIL and RuinsLabsKeepsSIGIL) or SIGIL 1.6 folder from older versions of SIGIL from Daggerfall Unity QuestPacks folder and e
xtract the SIGIL to QuestPacks folder

~ (Now all parts of quest system are merged together!) ~

Special thanks go to wonderful people from the Daggerfall Unity community (in no particular order) such as:

Kab the Bird Ranger

Enjoy 0/