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About this mod

Adds random pop-ups describing deatails about the sites you visit.

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So, I think we all know Daggerfall sites can be pretty samey, with not much difference between any of them. While there-s nothing I can do to physically change that, here-s a small attempt to somewhat alleviate that problem with a bit of imagination. 

With this mod, sometimes when you enter sites like cities, towns, temples, inns, etc. you might receive a small random pop-up describing the place you're at, or telling you a small detail about it, somewhat inspired by the messages that show up when you're entering a dungeon. Hopefully they will help give these places a little personality. They have a somewhat long cooldown because I thought getting a pop-up EVERY time you ente a site might get annoying and eventually cheapen them. All sites present in the game (except for covens) are covered, but the list of details for some of them is bit short, so I plan on upating this mod as I come up with more random details to add to each type of site.

1.1 Update: 
Fixed some typos. 
Added a couple more possible details to cities, towns, villages and temples.


Unzip the file inside StreamingAssets/Questpacks. If you're starting a new game, that's all you need to do. Otherwise you'll need to open up the console and type startquest TDD to get he mod running. 

Delete the questpack.

Please tell me if I made any typos, I caught a couple of them when proofreading but this kind of thing always slips by lol.