Daggerfall Unity
A enchanted item mod idea

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DISCLAIMER***  I do not know how to mod this is just a proposal for other modders.

The problem with the vanilla Enchanted items is that they can be spammed
with no sort of repercussion, i think that having some sort of limit on
how many times you can use it a day would combat this problem. Maybe
make it so every 12 hours you get 1 "charge" back. Or maybe make it a
menu that the player can customize how many charges you get back after a certain amount of time or however long the recharge would take.

This mod would definitely make enchanted items alot more fun to use then besides its usual "out of Mana time to spam my ruby of wildfire" tactic that people use, including myself

And if any modders do decide to make this a reality me and im sure lots of other people will thank you