Cyberpunk 2077

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About this video

the 10th installment of CyberMods weekly. this one ran a bit longer for my new format of 1 video 1 mod, but it is a interface mod so I wanted to be sure to cover as much as I could about the options.

remember, CMW is a RP story based around a MOD showcase, every video is connected to the last. also, always read the description on YouTube for the context between videos, it really helps fill in the gap. and if you Like the videos and want some back story. I have Character BIO's and more here

this is a growing world that I am learning how to edit, write, act, and capture. I do this with the hope I can raise awareness about all the hard work done here on Nexus as I have been a mod enthusiast for years going back to FO3 and Oblivion. For me you truly saved this game. without the Mod Community I would have already been done until DLC so I truly thank you all from the bottom of my Gonk soul.

Lastly, If you are enjoying My silly little showcase, please consider Subscribing on YouTube, with more numbers we can attract new viewers and thus bring more traffic to all your sweet sweet Modifications.