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About this mod

Disables the game's TAA, this will also disable Screen Space Reflections to get rid of pixel artifacts that would have been blended with TAA. It also recommended to enable FXAA in your NVIDIA Control Panel or use ReShade with this mod.

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Instead of using a modified EXE, it is now possible to disable TAA with a config file

How to Install:
-Extract the "Disable TAA ini.7z" file with 7Zip.
-Inside the extracted folder will be a "DisableTAA,SSR.ini" file.
-Place the "DisableTAA,SSR.ini" file in your "Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config\platform\pc" folder.

This will also "Disable Screen Space Reflections" to Get Rid of the Artifacts That Would Have Been Blended with TAA!!!

I Also Recommend "Enabling FXAA" in NVIDIA Control Panel or Using ReShade with this Mod.