About this mod
Allows for joysticks and other gamepads to be used and configured via redscript in Cyberpunk 2077.
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// This replicates the regular Xbox One game controller setup
public class CustomGameController_045E_02EA extends ICustomGameController {
public func OnSetup() -> Void {
this.SetButton(1 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_A_CROSS);
this.SetButton(2 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_B_CIRCLE);
this.SetButton(3 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_X_SQUARE);
this.SetButton(4 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_Y_TRIANGLE);
this.SetButton(5 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_LeftShoulder);
this.SetButton(6 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_RightShoulder);
this.SetButton(7 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_Back_Select);
this.SetButton(8 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_Start);
this.SetButton(9 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_LeftThumb);
this.SetButton(10 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_RightThumb);
this.SetButton(11 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_DigitUp);
this.SetButton(12 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_DigitRight);
this.SetButton(13 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_DigitDown);
this.SetButton(14 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_DigitLeft);
this.SetAxis(1 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_LeftAxisY, false, 0.5, 0.05);
this.SetAxis(2 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_LeftAxisX, false, 0.5, 0.05);
this.SetAxis(3 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_RightAxisY, false, 0.5, 0.05);
this.SetAxis(4 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_RightAxisX, false, 0.5, 0.05);
this.SetAxis(5 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_LeftTrigger, false, 0.0, 0.05);
this.SetAxis(6 - 1, EInputKey.IK_Pad_RightTrigger, false, 0.0, 0.05);
public func OnUpdate() -> Void {
All options are described here:
public abstract native class ICustomGameController extends IScriptable {
public native let pid: Uint16;
public native let vid: Uint16;
public native let id: Int32;
public native let buttons: array<Bool>;
// This is the enum used by `switches` interally:
// Center = 0
// Up = 1
// UpRight = 2
// Right = 3
// DownRight = 4
// Down = 5
// DownLeft = 6
// Left = 7
// UpLeft = 8
public native let switches: array<Uint32>;
public native let axes: array<Float>;
public native let buttonKeys: array<EInputKey>;
public native let axisKeys: array<EInputKey>;
public native let axisInversions: array<Bool>;
public native let axisCenters: array<Float>;
public native let axisDeadzones: array<Float>;
// Maps a controller button to a key
// button: 0-indexed
// key: https://nativedb.red4ext.com/EInputKey
public native func SetButton(button: Int32, key: EInputKey);
// Maps a controller axis to a key
// axis: 0-indexed
// key: https://nativedb.red4ext.com/EInputKey
// inverted: whether or not the axis should be inverted
// center: value between 0.0-1.0 that acts as the natural position of the axis
// deadzone: value between 0.0-1.0 that acts as a threshold for movement
public native func SetAxis(axis: Int32, key: EInputKey, inverted: Bool, center: Float, deadzone: Float);
// Called after the controller is created but not intialized (no values are read yet)
// Use this to call SetButton & SetAxis
public abstract func OnSetup() -> Void;
// Called after new values are read, but before they're assigned
public abstract func OnUpdate() -> Void;
// Called when axis values are read from the controller, after center & deadzone correction
// index: 0-indexed axis index
// value: axis value to be compared & assigned if different
public abstract func GetAxisValue(index: Uint32, value: Float) -> Float;