About this mod
- Custom HairStyles Collection Now in Pack Files
- This type of mod is not a replacement, this version is equipped in the Head Slot so you can change the hair whenever you want
- I will update more hairstyles in this page, stay tuned
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Virtual Atelier Shop Here
Alvarix Hair Collection Now in Pack files for better organization
Virtual Atelier Recommended for the packs
- Cyber Engine Tweaks
- RED4ext
- Tested on game version 1.52
- Console Command to get the hairs in file description.
- All hairs are unique so you can put whatever you want in the mod folder
- The Color of the Hair change with the color you choose in CC
- All hairstyles contain shadowmesh
- This type of mod is not a replacement, this version is equipped in the Head Slot so you can change the hair whenever you want
- I will update more hairstyles in this page, stay tuned
- Replacement versions is here: Replacement Version
Know Bug:
Only the shadow of the hair that is equipped in CC appears
1. Extract the .zip and put the contents into the main game folder.
Steam:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077
Epic:C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Cyberpunk 2077
Gog:C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077
2 - Use Cyber Engine Tweaks for the required items.
- Rfuzzo for CP77 Tools
- yamashi for Cyber Engine Tweaks
- AlphaZomega for all the Tools/Scripts
- psiberx for Archive-XL and Tweak-XL
- WopsS for RED4ext
- иᶦო for all the great work
- Angy | xBaebsae for the auto change hair color
- To all off the CP77 Modding Tools Discord