About this mod
This mod scales the Subdermal Armor cyberware with your level during gameplay and has options to adjust/remove armor from clothing.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
The purpose of this mod is to scale the subdermal armor value to keep it relevant throughout all player levels. My primary desire for this came from my latest playthrough where I was sick of looking like a lunatic, and wanted to wear clothing for the aesthetics instead of the stats. The way I see it, the legendary version of the Subdermal Armor should allow me to have clothing with mostly trash stats. This mod performs the following two (2) changes:
The scaling multipliers are such that they should give approximately their vanilla values at level 15. If you wish for more or less armor per level, simply change the multipliers in the "userConfig.lua" file. The default multipliers in this mod provide the same approximate armor values as the following clothing items (clothing level = player level):
- Common: 1 Upper Body Clothing Piece
- Uncommon: 1 Upper Body Clothing Piece, 1 Head Clothing Piece, 1 Lower Body Clothing Piece
- Rare: 1 Upper Body Clothing Piece, 2 Head Clothing Pieces, 2 Lower Body Clothing Pieces
- Epic: Full Set of Clothing
- Legendary: Full Set of Clothing x 1.4
14,-- Epic Subdermal Armor multiplier per player level
10,-- Rare Subdermal Armor multiplier per player level
7,-- Uncommon Subdermal Armor multiplier per player level
4-- Common Subdermal Armor multipler per player level
This mod also adds the ability to selectively remove the values of clothing armor controlled by variables in the "userConfig.lua" file. You can now either remove armor from all clothing items (retaining Armadillo), remove armor from all clothing items except those contained in the "/selectiveArmor/" folder (retaining Armadillo), or keep armor for all clothing items. This functionality is controlled in the "userConfig.lua" file with the following variable:
armorOption = 2,
- armorOption = 0 -> no changes to what clothing has armor values
- armorOption = 1 -> Keep armadillo armor, remove all other armor from clothing
- armorOption = 2 -> Keep armadillo armor, keep armor on clothing items in the various lists contained in the "/selectiveArmor/" folder, remove armor from all other clothing items
An additional selective armor pack may also be downloaded and installed that allows armor to be kept on sets (media/corpo/techie/netrunner/etc.), Johnny's outfit, the starting outfits, and clothing that contain the following words in the clothing description:
- Armored
- Plated
- Aramid
- Titanium
- Coated
- Reinforced
- Composite
- Nano
To remove/add an item from the list of clothing that is to selectively receive armor, simply open the respective lua file in the “/selectiveArmor/” folder and delete the entry, or add a new entry. Additionally, you could delete the entire lua file if you don't want any items from that category to have armor (e.g. if you don't want visors to have armor, you could simply delete "visors.lua").
Additionally, you can change the relative strength of all armor with a scaling factor in the "userConfig.lua" file. This scaling factor does not impact the armor values for the Armadillo mod.
armorStrength = 1
For example, an armor strength of "1" results in vanilla armor values, an armor strength of "0.5" is 50% of vanilla values, and an armor strength of "1.25326" would result in 125.326% of vanilla armor values.
Unpack the zip file into your Cyberpunk 2077 install directory (the "scaleDermal" folder should end up in the "\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\" folder), or install with Vortex.
The additional selective armor pack goes in the same directory.
Delete the "scaleDermal" folder from the "\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\" folder of your Cyberpunk 2077 installation directory, or uninstall with Vortex. Donezo!
If you encounter any problems with this mod, the first troubleshooting step should be to verify you have the latest version of Cyber Engine Tweaks installed.
Thanks to the CET team, WolvenKit Team, the Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Discord, LamiseDamise & EyeofCenter (for the inspiration), Silverhandsome/bartovalenza for the "Categorized All-In-One Command List," and a whole bunch of other modders for code I used to understand (kinda) how lua scripting for Cyberpunk 2077 works!
Cyberpunk THING Mods:
- Time Dilation Overhaul
- Cyberdeck Tweaks
- Leg Cyberware Tweaks
- Ranged Attack Speed Damage Fix
- Berserk Fix (Game Version 1.63 Hotfix 2, Likely not being updated)
TeslaCoiled's Other Mods:
- Bionic Lungs Level Scaling (Game Version 1.63 Hotfix 2, Not being updated)
- Bioplastic Blood Vessels Level Scaling (with Tweaks) (Game Version 1.63 Hotfix 2, Not being updated)
- Synaptic Signal Optimizer Level Scaling (Game Version 1.63 Hotfix 2, Not being updated)
- Synlungs Level Scaling (with Tweaks) (Game Version 1.63 Hotfix 2, Not being updated)