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  1. vec0
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I'd love to use the mod but unfortunately it is outdated. Are there any viable alternatives ?
  2. shitheel
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I wanna try, but dont wanna bjork my game since it sounds like it's broken :(
  3. VAGU000E
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this still being worked on or available for later versions of the game? 
    1. NexusGuy999
      • premium
      • 734 kudos
      It should still work, but is not being worked on, besides updates in case it breaks
    2. k2000a
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is exactly the case! It doesn't work, please update it. One of the best mods
  4. k2000a
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It doesn't work, please update it. One of the best mods
  5. k2000a
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It doesn't seem to work anymore. The recorder menu does not open in the cet overlay. When I click on the arrow to open it, nothing happens. I have a clean version of the game, it definitely doesn't work. Could you update
    1. k2000a
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It doesn't work, please update it. One of the best mods
  6. jrchaves
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi. Is it possible to save the recorded file as MP4?
  7. etskiii
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Out of curiosity, does this record player movement and actions/events? I.e if I were to create a sequence to record, can i play it back in 3rd person to record the same motions from a different angle? Not just positional data, but event data too. Either that or integration with the photo mode, looking at the videos it just seems like positional data? and does this still work for 2.0/2.1? i dont know why you said its a useless mod, at its base, its actually phenomenal for content creation and things like machinima if it does event data too.
    1. certijal
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I just found this mod as well, but it doesn’t work for me in 2.1. The in-game HUD selects objects, records frames, and switches modes via hotkeys, but nothing happens when I attempt to play back, and its Cyber Engine Tweaks HUD isn’t expandable. Nexusguy999 mentioned that although it’s a completed mod, he’d still do functionality updates... unfortunately that was a while back, so fingers crossed that’s still the case.

      Thanks for your work, Nexusguy999! It looks so fun I might even rollback my game version just to try it.
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any plans on updating this. I wish i saw this mod sooner. This looks very fun to use for making videos.

    Nevermind i tried using it again and figured it out. I didn't realize i had to assign it to an object to play the animation. I thought it would tp the car i recorded in back to the home position. Still a little buggy though, it stops working sometimes and says the length of the video is 0.
    1. cubbyman1
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      looks like you got your wish, it was just updated today.
  9. Neurolepticer
    • member
    • 87 kudos
    I have an idea for a new mod.
    Do you know the game Timeshift? In this game you can stop, slow down or reverse time. Couldn't you create a new Cyberware Mod from this mod "Sandevistan MK.7"?. With this Sandevistan you can let time run backwards for a few seconds(Or you do 3 options in a mod. (Time stop, backwards and slower.), but time runs normally for the player character.
  10. PolluxTroy0
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    I would love to use this mod on 1.6 but it's not working. Lengh is always at 0 :(
    Will you plan for an update ?