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About this mod

Install Iconic weapons effects just like any other regular mod without save editing

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin

1. Download the release archive.
2. Extract it into the Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder.

You should have "<Cyberpunk 2077>/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods/overdrive" directory now.


Once mod installed it is active. The mod window opens with the Cyber Engine Tweaks console.

You can add Iconic mods to your inventory using a simple GUI and then install them using Inventory menu like any other mod.

You should install Iconic mods in the Iconic weapons. If Iconic mod is installed in the base weapon, then it'll be converted to the Iconic on save + load.

Some examples to try:
— Amnesty + Moron Labe Mod x 3 + Pride Mod
— Widow Maker + Comrade's Hammer Mod + The Headsman Mod + Satori Mod

Not every combination is working as expected.


Arsenic_Touch and Battousai124 for updating mod list and testing
— yamashi, WSSDude420 and Cyber Engine Tweaks team
— WolvenKit, WopsS, rfuzzo, Rick Gibbed, PixelRick and all researchers