Cyberpunk 2077

About this mod

See Night City through the lens it deserves.

The screenshots could never do TruPunk it's due justice.

Permissions and credits
What you've been looking for.

While TruPunk 2077 does have a minimal performance hit (5-10 fps in most areas), it has been reported to decrease stuttering and frame skips in general, especially on already modded builds by multiple users, all while delivering an experience that Cyberpunk, as well as the player, truly deserves.

This project started off as just a color-blind filter, as the built in options have been rather ineffective in accomplishing what I need it to, so I installed ReShade and started messing around. Then over time, I started noticing a lot of things just objectively wrong about what vanilla actually looks like, so I set out to remove the ugly green tint, as well as the excess of reds. Finally, I wanted to remove some of the more unnecessary, and slightly annoying "features" of the user interface and HUD (E.G. the small red rectangles while using the scanner, as well as in the avatars of holo-calls. Finally, the product of over 7 months of minor, sometimes minute tweaks that you probably wouldn't even notice,  as well as a handful of absolute game changing, eye-opening tweaks, was TruPunk 2077.

I truly put my heart, soul, and so much time into this project, and I hope TruPunk 2077 treats you as well as it's treated not only myself, but the over two-thousand unique users that have already downloaded.

Don't get left behind. Try it out. Worst you can do is hate it :)

I've been made aware of users who are experiencing crashed while frame generation enabled. SareDoesntCare (a very generous supporter who is taking the time out of their day to help fix said issue, as I don't even have access to the hardware to run frame generation) and I are doing everything we can to get it up and running with minimal sacrifices, so please bare with us.

NOTE TO 4K USERS: While this shader works beautifully on 1080p/1440p, ReShades are incredibly intense on 4k resolution. Some users have reported losses of 15-25 fps in some areas. 


Darker darks, brighter brights, while still maintaining the vision the developers had in mind, and not cranking the sharpness all the way up for the sake of extra "detail."  I didn't wanna go completely over the top, especially considering you can really negatively effect the user interface with reshade if you're not careful. On most of my installments of Reshade in other games, and even some presets for Cyberpunk itself available from Nexus mods, while it does make the game more visually appealing, it tends to make HUD icons, maps, and other UI elements just a tad blurry, or might just burn a hole into your retinas. But with TruPunk 2077, I did everything I could to not only maintain the UI, but in some ways, even enhance it. So there's no ghosting, or visual artifacts that are going to get in the way of your immersion.