Cyberpunk 2077

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  1. LiloLila
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    I still can't believe that this is an ingame render. I know photo mode takes a bit of time to take its "photos" but still, this comes from a game and not from a CG rendering software. I now that 5-10 years ago we said the same about The wichter 3 Graphics and so on but ... we are at a point, where you can barely distiguish between gameplay content rendered video or staged IRL fottage.

    Every time I look at a Cyberpunk photomode image, I think "how? ... HOW?!?" Even though this one is more on the unrealistic side, compared to SOME others. And even this makes me pause for a second to check and question how they made a cosplayer looking like as if it was a rendered shooting, just to realise that it was a render, that looks as if it was a cosplayer shooting.
    1. Arcadesboi
      • supporter
      • 64 kudos
      Yeah, cyberpunk has some top of the line graphics, I can't really think of many other games that come close, and this is without raytracing or pathtracing - the game can look pretty crazy good with those
    2. LiloLila
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      absolutely. Screen space reflaction alone, even on the low setting, make it look so much ahead of its time.
      I would bet that in 5 years or so this game will still be "above average" even without modded graphics. Maybe even 10 years, because who knows how updates will improve graphics and performance of this game.
  2. Stavetskaya
    • premium
    • 729 kudos
    Yay! She is a real stunner. Strong shots! 
    1. Arcadesboi
      • supporter
      • 64 kudos

  3. Siraaj117
    • premium
    • 62 kudos
    1. Arcadesboi
      • supporter
      • 64 kudos
      Thank you!