Cyberpunk 2077
Oh well

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  1. KrigarenEgIkkjeKjende
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Mmyeah, I like her as well. Pretty close to perfect I say. I found out after spending more time in character creation and character tweaking than the actual game (well, CC also is the game, right) that it's hard to make all those elements fit together. I've used the same eye makeup, but opted for something else because it wouldn't fit what I had created. Same goes for the hair mod that I like, but not on my characters. On your V, everything including eye color, eye shape, lips, nose, makeup, the right amount of tan, the hair flow together into a nice look perfectly. I'd be happy to hear what exactly you did (sliders), but I'd understand it as well if that remained among the secrets of the trade. :)
    1. LithiumFlower
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      • 102 kudos
      Thank you for your kind comment, I understand you completely, I too spend most of my time in CP2077 editing / creating characters. I think that is quite a bit due the fact that this game isn't immersive enough, I've lost that feeling right after the bridge is open for you to cross and free rom the city. It doesn't feel alive. The huge amount of bugs doesn't help it either..
      At first I was really disappointed by the character creation system. It felt way too limiting and most of the options seemed very dull and unappealing..
      Took me a while to get used to it (and with some help from mods and the save editor.. ) till I managed to make a V that I feel comfortable showing.. 
      Well and due to the illumination in this game sometimes working not optimal.. The characters does look odd. That's why I do use reshader with custom preset that in some cases helps.. 
      About sharing the sliders values, I'm thinking of sharing few of my V presets including my male V and the lighting shader preset..
    2. KrigarenEgIkkjeKjende
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      • 1 kudos
      And thank you for your nice, longer comment! :D
      Yep, the game is one of my main hobbies at the moment, but as a game that had won several awards before it even was released, I think it's safe to say it's underwhelming. I'm having more fun with seeing what the community is doing with it than doing the missions. The community's unrelenting efforts to improve the game and share nice ideas and visuals is why I bought it after some patches had dropped. It's a little like Skyrim in that regard. No matter if the game is superficial, there always is the community to turn it into waifu simulator and that's fine with me. :D
      It's true that the same character just rarely looks the same depending on where you take the screenshots and from what angle. In the actual character creation, the colors are much darker, browner/more yellow and more saturated than in the game. And when in the game, some lighting is just hideous since it always overexposes the end result no matter what, and when it's lacking the character looks very fake, so you need to find a few very specific places to make the character look good.
      Please do share them! :D This character of yours in particular is hawt stuff. I'd love to recreate her.
  2. Esmerios
    • premium
    • 188 kudos
    Very pretty
    1. LithiumFlower
      • member
      • 102 kudos
      thank you :)