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  1. digglywiggly
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, very dumb question incomming. 

    I pasted the mod into the control directory, and now have no idea what to do next. should there be a folder somewhere that is created? because I cant find one. My version of the game has no user/appdata/---------- directory location. Trying to import a modified jesse outfit .binfbx file that's replaced with a soldier .binfbx into data_packfiles/ep100-000-generic. Does this mod even do stuff like that? 
    k, thanks for reading :)
    1. zboy2106
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Read the description again. This mod acting like a framework for other mods to work, like you need money to buy stuff but what stuff you want is up to you. Just put the file in the same directory with Control.exe then done. If  mod(s) need it in order to work, modder will specifically put it in description.
  2. SauerKrautSoup
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I was wondering if there's a way to download this for Xbox Game Pass PC. I can't seem to find the installation directory or the .exe file. Does anyone know a way to fix that problem?
    1. DDXDB
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It doesn't work with the PCGP version for me
  3. koob68
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    I was going to ask this here sorry if it's too off topic.

    I am at the Nail Ritual with the sphere and I use the charge gun to get rid of all the spiky attachments. When I go to pull out-shape the parts of the sphere they just instantly blow right out so I can't get all of them to continue. Tried this many times and of course there's no option to reload outside of this test so had to basically just go load a previous mission. Is that a bug? I've read that when you pull out the sphere parts they should "stick" for a while so you can do the others. Steam version.
  4. Windychatin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Northlight Tool (external site) does not work now.
  5. olsenn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having a problem getting this working on the Steam ultimate edition. Mods that go in data folders work fine but any mods that go in the "plugins" folder don't work for me. The log file shows this error:
    LooseFilesLoader v1.0 by reg2k
    FATAL: Could not get rl_rmdwinX_f.dll.

    I got it working. It's because I copy/pasted the "plugins" folder name, it worked when I retyped it manually. That error message about rl_rmdwinX_f.dll isn't a problem that affects anything.
  6. meccquest
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So I've been struggling to get mods to work on the Steam deck and I finally figured it out. I've left instructions below in case anyone else is trying to use mods on the steam deck. (Note: error messages will come up throughout this process about using the 64 bit wineprefix. Just ignore the errors whenever they pop up and click ok)

    • Launch the game at least once prior to this process
    • Boot into desktop mode on the deck
    • Launch the discover software center
    • Search for protontricks and click install
    • Launch protontricks by clicking the launch button or from the main menu under utilities
    • Select Control Ultimate Edition in protontricks and click ok
    • Click "Select the default wineprefix" and click ok
    • Click "Install a Windows DLL or component" and click ok
    • Scroll down until you see vcrun2019, check the box next to it, and click ok
    • Installers for 2019 Visual C++ runtime will come up, click next to install them.
    • Once the installation is finished and you are brought back to protontricks, select run winecfg and click ok
    • In wine configuration, go to the libraries tab and type in "*iphlpapi" (without quotations) in the New override for library field and click Add
    • It should now be listed in the existing overrides list. If it does not say (native, builtin) after it, click edit and select Native then Built In
    • (If you're also using the Control Plugin Loader scroll down in the existing overrides list until you see *xinput1_4 and change it from builtin to native, builtin)
    • Click apply and ok
    • Exit out of protontricks
    • When you launch the game, it should now load your mods.

    1. sixsixsix00000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you, you magnificent bastard! Finally I can run this game with mods! You should post this guide in r/steamdeck and r/controlgame to help other poor bastards who couldn't run this game with mods on the steam deck.
    2. Conradson
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks you !
    3. pepeguggl
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is great, thank you so much for fixing this out!
    4. ixiBSMixi
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      No matter where you are actually from, you sir or madam, are a great American.
  7. redluci4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    OMG I just found out about this mod and, already it made me very happy.

    I made jessies pants and shoes look funny

    I also made some demon eyes for jessie

    I thank you reg2k for this awesome mod.
  8. Modde1306
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ich versteh nicht was ich machen muss. Kann mir jemand helfen ?
    1. Crusadio
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Was meinst du? Was du nach der Installation machen musst?
  9. Crusadio
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Great tool, thanks for your efforts!
  10. Lawlux
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will this mod, and by extension, all the other mods, work for the GoG Ultimate version of this game? Thanks in advance.
    1. daryuun
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can confirm it does work with GOG Ultimate version. Go into GOG Galaxy app, settings, game features and uncheck 'game overlay'. Once the GOG overlay is disabled it works for me.