Conan Exiles
At the super awesome server

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This user's image description contains 12 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. lightsail
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    the last few times i logged in you werent there, so it was boring :c
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      I got bored D: Didn't see you there for a long time either!
      Thought you gave up on Conan Exiles honestly :<

      I do log in maybe 30 mins a night but at lvl 300 it's just meh
  2. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Well, I'm not sure what's going on here but at least the guy's up front with his intentions

    .....or he likes Minecraft

    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      It's a very unfortunate username :p He's a nice guy though.
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    That whole plummeting through 6 or 7 skies while trying to negotiate portals thing sounds . . . fun? Actually, it sounds darn difficult. Great shots, Beth.
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Thanks You're right, it was pretty difficult! I was raging the whole time, but relief washed over me when I made it :3
  4. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Impressive stuff. Would love to have those creatures in Fallout 4
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      I believe they would be worse bullet sponges than Super Mutants xD
      Three skull bosses. They take too many shots from the highest tier of arrows ._.
  5. graykin4
    • premium
    • 219 kudos
    Very impressive!Glad to see your work here!
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Thanks It's a pretty fun place once you get used to the learning curve of crafting things.