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Improved button prompts for controllers and Steam Deck.
Play as Aurora Valentino Owner of The Cathedral ! The Successor of the Ribcage !
IV Drip is a ready to go Unreal Engine 4.18.3 project set up to enable easy modding of Shift's Code Vein (published by Bandai Namco). It includes preliminary setup allowing for modding most aspects of the game to a significant (although not complete) degree.
- 1.9GB
- 70
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IV Drip is a ready to go Unreal Engine 4.18.3 project set up to enable easy modding of Shift's Code Vein (published by Bandai Namco). It includes preliminary setup allowing for modding most aspects of the game to a significant (although not complete) degree.
Adds native text chat to the game.
Proper button prompts for Nintendo Switch controllers, plus setup instructions.