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About this mod

This is a modified Jack's hair with more details and remove it's bang (the front part of his hair), giving you the feeling of playing as Vergil in Devil May Cry XD

Permissions and credits
This is a modified version of Jack's hair that removed the bang and added more details to the sides of the hair.
******This mod will replace your male character default hair with this edgy hair inspired by Vergil(DMC)
*How to install:
download the .zip file and extract it to this folder of the game:
***:\Steam\steamapps\common\CODE VEIN\CodeVein\Content\Paks\~mods
To uninstall the mod, simply delete the file in the folder ~mods
-create a folder named ~mods if you haven't got one.
CREDIT: thank you Pling for the original mod "Jack's Hair"