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  • Cities: Skylines II
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  • Midgar Map

    Midgar Map

    Last Update: 12 Nov 2023
    Author: NeoKingArthur
    Uploader: NeoKingArthur

    Midgar Map is a flat map with Highway and Train connections and all resources such as Ore, Oil, and Fertile Land fully distributed in the entire map. Groundwater is also fully distributed to the entire map, so you can build any ground water pump anywhere you like. This map is inspired by the city of Midgar from Final Fantasy VII.

    • 2.8MB
    • 18
    • --

    Midgar Map

    Last Update: 12 Nov 2023

    Midgar Map is a flat map with Highway and Train connections and all resources such as Ore, Oil, and Fertile Land fully distributed in the entire map. Groundwater is also fully distributed to the entire map, so you can build any ground water pump anywhere you like. This map is inspired by the city of Midgar from Final Fantasy VII.