Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Rolling down-time this coming week on all sites

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There is going to be some down-time on all Nexus sites and the forums this week as we work to move our databases over to our new cluster setup. Each site needs to be taken offline while a “dump” of the database can be created, transferred to the cluster and then imported in to the cluster database setup. The sites obviously have to go offline during this process so no new content is lost between the time when we make the dump and the time until the import process is fully completed.

The total down time will depend entirely on the site being transferred at the time. The forums, Skyrim, both Fallout sites and Oblivion are going to take longer than the other sites as they have a lot more content to transfer over. The forums and Skyrim should take 4 hours each while the other sites might take less time. Either way you’ll know when the transfer is happening as the site will be taken offline, with a message to that effect, during the process.

It’s my utmost hope (and no doubt yours too) that, through this transfer to our cluster, the reliability issues with the servers is going to be a thing of the past. For good. If all goes to plan this weekend should be the last weekend of stability issues for the Nexus and we can move on to doing what we actually want to do; making the service better for everyone and expanding our reach to all games so anyone can use the Nexus for modding if they so wish. We’ll also be far more DDoS proof due to the distributed nature of our own server setup that will mean we can shift load between many different servers ensuring any attack will have to split the botnet being used considerably in order to cause any down time.

I’ll hold off on thanking you for your patience during this trying time until we can confirm that this is going to be the solution to all our problems but our initial testing has been very positive, so now it’s time to take the plunge and hope for the best.

Down time starts tomorrow (Monday) morning, starting with the forums.


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  1. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,925 kudos
    This thread is no longer relevant. Use the feedback forum for any bug reports. Thanks.
  2. KaydenMoon
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos


    Some sort of update on this sure would be nice, considering everything was working fine yesterday and last night, and now everything is borked and broken today. All I'm saying is it would be great if we could get updates on these things instead of having to wait 2 months for a vague post-update. I get that folks are busy and what-not, but it literally takes less than 2 minutes to type out a quick community heads-up or announcement about impending downtime, server crashes, known issues, etc. You can even do it while you're on the toilet from your iPhone.
    Perhaps a bit more looking?  All the sites are working like a charm for me today so perhaps more information would also be helpful?

    By any chance are you using the premium servers? Because sure those work fine but the regular ones don't.
  3. Dragonmourne
    • member
    • 0 kudos


    Some sort of update on this sure would be nice, considering everything was working fine yesterday and last night, and now everything is borked and broken today. All I'm saying is it would be great if we could get updates on these things instead of having to wait 2 months for a vague post-update. I get that folks are busy and what-not, but it literally takes less than 2 minutes to type out a quick community heads-up or announcement about impending downtime, server crashes, known issues, etc. You can even do it while you're on the toilet from your iPhone.
    Perhaps a bit more looking?  All the sites are working like a charm for me today so perhaps more information would also be helpful?

    It's Fallout NV. It's ALWAYS Fallout NV. It's hardly ever anything else BUT Fallout NV. Sometimes it's Fallout 3, but only when I am redoing my mod cache, which is maybe once time a year.
    Can't download anything from FONV site, even though I was downloading stuff like crazy last night. And yes I read that post by Robin, but it doesn't address the page loading errors, missing html, or crashed file servers.
  4. AntreasZakarian
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Fallout New Vegas manual & NMM downloads are not working. Receiving the following error message on all the files ( Project Nevada, MCM, etc.) I've attempted this morning: No file exists for this ID.
  5. Lisnpuppy
    • premium
    • 205 kudos

    Some sort of update on this sure would be nice, considering everything was working fine yesterday and last night, and now everything is borked and broken today. All I'm saying is it would be great if we could get updates on these things instead of having to wait 2 months for a vague post-update. I get that folks are busy and what-not, but it literally takes less than 2 minutes to type out a quick community heads-up or announcement about impending downtime, server crashes, known issues, etc. You can even do it while you're on the toilet from your iPhone.
    Perhaps a bit more looking?  All the sites are working like a charm for me today so perhaps more information would also be helpful?
  6. Dragonmourne
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Some sort of update on this sure would be nice, considering everything was working fine yesterday and last night, and now everything is borked and broken today. All I'm saying is it would be great if we could get updates on these things instead of having to wait 10 days for a vague post-update. I get that folks are busy and what-not, but it literally takes less than 2 minutes to type out a quick community heads-up or announcement about impending downtime, server crashes, known issues, etc. You can even do it while you're on the toilet from your iPhone.
    It's been 10 days since the transfer started. We haven't heard jack from anyone on anything besides "We know of the issues" but not really anything else. What gives?
  7. emilking
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Yes ikr
  8. ezequiel_p
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    New Vegas nexus manual adn NMM downloads are not working.
  9. KaydenMoon
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    The server for NV is probably still down, just wait.
  10. emilking
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    Same here