Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

First Dragonborn screenshots!

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  1. bobxdead888
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    Looks lovecraftian. I LOVE IT.
  2. RexSeptim
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    I too have some interest in some day visiting the Somerset Isles as DLC or as the next Elder Scrolls edition! Or maybe Elsweyr. Or Valenwood. Or some more daedric realms. Cold Harbor? I guess as popular as the Elder Scrolls are, we're going to get to all of them eventually.

    My own wish is wherever we're going with new DLC or new games, we'll continue to get the unique flavor and beauty of Skyrim combined with the deep story that was Morrowind. The dissident priests, the ash tribes and the Tribunal - Morrowind had such a complex story line that took the player on such an imaginative, engaging journey.

    As for the whole Bugesda thing - Yeah, the games are buggy. They're also incredibly creative and just sheer fun. I guess the trade off for an enormous, open game world and a mod-able platform that can incorporate the amazing creativity of so many modders is you get some bugginess. That's a good deal in my opinion. For my own part, I say thank you Bethesda. Despite all the criticism, some of which is valid, Bethesda makes the best stuff in gaming, bar none. In my humble opinion.
  3. TheShadower
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    I only hope they release this dlc to pc
    (sorry for ban English knowledge)
  4. ledmack
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Those look great!
  5. Ikan
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    I don't get why people want a thalmor dlc so bad. the thamor are becoming the main bad guys of the elder scrolls.
    Read this and scroll down to thalmor endgame :
    now I think the thalmor should have there own game not a 5 hour dlc that would ruin the elder scrolls by removing the most major villains from the series in a relatively unimportant dlc. Where could they even place the dlc. The alinor is more then half the size of skyrim (too big for a dlc) and other then that it would have too be in skyrim. if you think they can't do the thalmor justice in skyrim then you might need to read up on the lore of the games. As long as skyrim is part of the empire the thalmor can't attack so the dlc would be exclusive to people who joined the stormcloaks (now that would kill skyrim) Just wait for the elder scrolls VI, then we can see the thalmor the way they're meant to be seen

    You're Half Right, That doens't make impossible to make a Good DLC Focused On then, they do not need to make a DLC that Will make a war With Then, or remove then from scene so easily, In fact, it could be the prologue for the next Elders Scrools that were focused on the thalmors...

    I really Wished that Bethesta creatade a DLC with Thalmor Focused Missions (the Only Good thalmor is a Dead Thalmor *-*, I would Appreciate a Lot Killing Loads aff Then and Screw Up some of their plans just for the sake of seeying they go crazy in anger against me *-*)

    But this is a Personal Wish, The only thing that I Really Think Bethesda Should Do is Fixthe bugs From HearthFire first Before Lauching Another DLC... Really, Hearhfire Is More a Bug Collection Patch than a DLC Itself....
  6. Frostbane
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    • 3 kudos
    We need to reclaim Solstheim from that Dunmer filth the same way we've reclaimed Skyrim from the Imperials! Power to the Skaal! Heh.
  7. Zerozil
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    @azmodan22 Never saw anything called an Ash Spawn in mass effect.. and when did Mass Effect throw Morrowind mobs at you?
  8. pwner69
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    • 17 kudos
    Thalmor DLC? You do not need Bethesda for that. Just console commands. Spawn 300 Thalmors and 300 Stormcloacks and enjoy watching them fight to the death.
  9. jion7882
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    • 3 kudos
    At azmodan22 wtf are you on? As a major Mass Effect fan I don't see any comparisons.
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    @GabbaGandalf666 He wasn't calling the dlc s***, he was quoting what Neal90 said a few pages back and I agree with people on no Thalmor DLC, a game set in the Summerset Isle would be sick (imagine a full blown war between the empire and the thalmor becoming the next war questline, it would be awesome being able to take a side ( this would most likely be more impactful than the civil war questline and could be the main quest if executed correctly