- Refine results Found 10 results.
Tradução do jogo para PC, Gamepass e Switch. Feita pela Amianto Traduções com parceria com a PKG
- 16.1MB
- 39
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Tradução do jogo para PC, Gamepass e Switch. Feita pela Amianto Traduções com parceria com a PKG
Tobey's BepInEx Pack for Chained Echoes
A BepInEx pack for Chained Echoes, preconfigured and ready to use on Windows, macOS and Linux (including SteamOS)!
- 5.7MB
- 25
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Tobey's BepInEx Pack for Chained Echoes
A BepInEx pack for Chained Echoes, preconfigured and ready to use on Windows, macOS and Linux (including SteamOS)!
HD filter smoothing pixels
Ultrawide Support for Chained Echoes
Ever wished you could play Chained Echoes in ultrawide? Well, now you can!
- 417KB
- 13
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Ultrawide Support for Chained Echoes
Ever wished you could play Chained Echoes in ultrawide? Well, now you can!
Skippable Splash Screen for Chained Echoes
Ever started up Chained Echoes and wished you could skip the splash screen? Well, now you can!
- 5KB
- 8
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Skippable Splash Screen for Chained Echoes
Ever started up Chained Echoes and wished you could skip the splash screen? Well, now you can!
NIce CRT filter
Replaces the portraits of several party members/npcs with newly remade ones.
Chained Echoes ม็อดภาษาไทยแปลโดยกูเกิล
Randomized gameplay experience and harder difficulty for a challenge
Auto advance dialogue in game with a delay before advancing (delay time can be changed on the file).
- 4KB
- 2
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Auto advance dialogue in game with a delay before advancing (delay time can be changed on the file).