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  1. lesjones
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    Great captures, Mike mate!

    My old chap was bombed by stukas at the Kasserine Pass, (he was with the British RASC running supplies for the Americans). That was where he lost his best mate "Solly" Solomons, a Jewish bloke from London. They were taking cover when Solly remembered he'd left his rifle in the cab of his truck and he ran back to retrieve it. Solly's truck was an ammunition lorry and got a direct hit just as he reached the cab. My dad said they never found anything left of the lorry nor Solly and his ears rang for almost three days straight after that explosion.

    He never forgot Solly's friendship and even many years later it saddened him that his last words to Solly were "come back, you silly bugger!"
    1. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 184 kudos
      That is very sad, war is not nice. Thanks Les for the story Old Mate.
  2. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,133 kudos
    Excellent looking captures Mike :))
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 830 kudos
      I fully agree with you Izzy
    2. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 184 kudos
      Thank you my friends!!
  3. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 131 kudos
    Man, Saving private Ryan is a classic and these shots are awesome bro! 
    1. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 184 kudos
      Thanks bro, I watch that movie every June 6th.
  4. Olympus2917
    • premium
    • 205 kudos
    Strong, emotional and harsh moments! Nicely captured bro!
    1. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 184 kudos
      Thanks bro!!
  5. RogueCyborg
    • supporter
    • 415 kudos
    WWII is my favourite time period, as for a historian irl.

    This game is so intense 😵
    Especially I remember the bell, and the train  😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

    1. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 184 kudos
      Thanks Bart, I just wish you could turn the music off during gameplay!!
      WWII is also a period I studied, and movies like Saving Private Ryan and 
      this game, captured what combat would have been like back then!