Call of Duty: Warzone

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About this video

I go straight into Hydro Electric SOLO with just a 2 Plate Vest and an RPK. I killed 72 Ai with weapons
without getting downed by them and successfully exfil. Most of the bots
were also Heavy bots.

How did I do it?

Watch the video and see how I position myself and see this Play style that Still works with the Season 2 Update. It's all
about taking your time and don't rush. Also you will see that I go from
building to building usually and try to clear out most the bots I can
in the close proximity. Watch at how I position myself inside of
buildings and what rooms I look for that can help in your Survival.

If you constantly die by bots and you are rushing, you need to change
your Play Style.

Rushing actual Human Players is fine if you are a half decent player,
this tactic can work well if you and your squad all push at the same

This doesn't work for bots though in the games current state. Don't
rush the bots so much, unless you are a skilled player.

You can also take the quieter approach and try to avoid them the best
you can.