- Refine results Found 20 results.
This mod addresses various aspects of the game, ranging from reduced stuttering, reduced latency and overall stability.
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This mod addresses various aspects of the game, ranging from reduced stuttering, reduced latency and overall stability.
The mod files simply replace the in-game FSR with DLSS version 3.6.0.
Removes the videos that play when opening the game.
The Real Life The Callisto Protocol Reshade BETTER TEXTURES and Realism 2022
I've made a Reshade that adds more detail to the world making them wood effects stand out more as well as the ground, lighting, walls and dirt marks, and skin.
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The Real Life The Callisto Protocol Reshade BETTER TEXTURES and Realism 2022
I've made a Reshade that adds more detail to the world making them wood effects stand out more as well as the ground, lighting, walls and dirt marks, and skin.
A mod that replaces the Xbox 1 controller icons to the DualSense (PS5) icons.
The Callisto Protocol ภาษาไทย
Play as Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) over Jacob
Maximum Graphic settings for Callisto Protocolplace in:AppData\Local\CallistoProtocol\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
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Maximum Graphic settings for Callisto Protocolplace in:AppData\Local\CallistoProtocol\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
Simple Realistic 3D for The Callisto Protocol
A simple custom shader for The Callisto ProtocolThis shader makes The Callisto Protocol become slightly brighter (stronger global lighting effects) but with better shading, details and post processing effects.
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Simple Realistic 3D for The Callisto Protocol
A simple custom shader for The Callisto ProtocolThis shader makes The Callisto Protocol become slightly brighter (stronger global lighting effects) but with better shading, details and post processing effects.
Play as Leon Scott Kennedy from Resident Evil 2 Remake over Jacob
This mod replace the original animated main menu with a static non animated one.
Ukrainian localization of The Callisto Protocol
Текстовий переклад гри The Callisto Protocol на українську мову.
- 656KB
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Ukrainian localization of The Callisto Protocol
Текстовий переклад гри The Callisto Protocol на українську мову.
A ReShade config that implements duller colours, nearby sharpness and distant depth of field blur to give a grittier and more cinematic style to emphasise the sci-fi horror atmosphere.
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A ReShade config that implements duller colours, nearby sharpness and distant depth of field blur to give a grittier and more cinematic style to emphasise the sci-fi horror atmosphere.
Callisto Protocol Skip Logo Videos
Skip the intro Logos and go to the main menu.
This is just a little instruction to skip the annoying intro.
UTOC Signature Bypass - Allows Mod Loading
Allows loading of unreal engine io store mods. Currently Steam version ONLY.
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UTOC Signature Bypass - Allows Mod Loading
Allows loading of unreal engine io store mods. Currently Steam version ONLY.
mod to support DLSS FSR and XESS FG on The Callisto Protocol
This mod is a new and customized version for The Callisto Protocol that uses the FSR input to activate the mod and with this you can use the menu to choose your upscaler and activate the FG without needing game support.
- 42.4MB
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mod to support DLSS FSR and XESS FG on The Callisto Protocol
This mod is a new and customized version for The Callisto Protocol that uses the FSR input to activate the mod and with this you can use the menu to choose your upscaler and activate the FG without needing game support.
Performance friendly. Deep dark. Ultra contrast.
The Callisto Protocol Contagion Difficulty Final Save
Final save after defeating last boss
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The Callisto Protocol Contagion Difficulty Final Save
Final save after defeating last boss