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Just a vid I recorded b/c I was bored & wanted to showoff my skillz lol ;p


  1. CuteAsDuck1
    • supporter
    • 284 kudos
    I'll post the Wotan vid at a later time ;p
  2. Karna5
    • premium
    • 304 kudos
    That's a clever tactic to drop the turret behind you and then just dive into the midst of the fray and use second wind to survive it. I recall my turret hunters used to hide behind the turrets *laughs* but your way is clearly better :)

    Cool video! :)
    1. CuteAsDuck1
      • supporter
      • 284 kudos
      That mobile turret can hold it's own haha. It's a mini tank which wasn't included in the base game, only as a paid dlc way back
      when I was actively playing. After reaching max level & gathering all the legendary gear you can think of, I just basically go in Rambo
      style lol. I stuck with this character from the very beginning when the game released, so I knew most of the strengths & weaknesses
      after a while.

      Glad you liked the video. Thanks Karna. :)
  3. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    I was rooting for you all the way! Triple kill confirmed
    1. CuteAsDuck1
      • supporter
      • 284 kudos
      I could of used that support during my 1st run in the game haha. It was a nightmare. :D
      Thanks Rob. :)
  4. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 130 kudos
    Some awesome skillz man
    1. CuteAsDuck1
      • supporter
      • 284 kudos
      It took a lot of practice. :D
      Thanks man. :)
  5. deleted166205843
    • account closed
    • 124 kudos
    Enjoy ;p <3 i didn't played this game ever it look fun
    1. CuteAsDuck1
      • supporter
      • 284 kudos
      It's a looter-shooter with some wacky comedy that makes me laugh at times lol. Like most games,
      it does get repetitive after a certain point. Once you grind your way & get all top gear, it becomes a bullet
      sponge fest lol. It's still fun at times. I boot it up, once in a while when I'm in the mood for some mayhem. :D
      Thanks Aly. <33 ❤️