About this mod
Works on 1.6, 1.5 and 1.4!
Replaces all music used (except Classic Mode tracks and the Journey area theme) with music from the Timespinner soundtrack.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Extract the zip files
- Put the .pak files into the mod folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Bloodstained Ritual of the Night\BloodstainedRotN\Content\Paks\~mods)
Files replaced:
TSOST_1.1.pak replaces all .awb files under BloodstainedRotN\Content\Core\Sound\BGM.
TSOST_Classic.pak replaces ClassicMode.uasset and ClassicMode.uexp in the same folder.
- Track 0 - Prologue: Teaser & Kickstarter Trailer
- Track 1 - Galleon Minerva: Defiance (Past - Royal Towers)
- Track 1 - Garden of Silence: Pioneer's Horizon (Past - Lake Serene)
- Tracks 0, 2, 3 - Secret tracks, unchanged
Other area files
- ACT03_ENT.awb / Entrance: Barren Corridors (Present - Varndagray Metropolis)
- ACT05_SAN.awb / Dian Cecht Cathedral: Call to War (Past - Castle Ramparts)
- ACT06_KNG.awb / Hall of Termination: Fear's Crown (Present - Emperor's Tower)
- ACT07_LIB.awb / Livre Ex Machina: Masquerade of Hedonists (Past - Castle Keep)
- ACT08_TWR.awb / Tower of Twin Dragons: Surpassing Authority (Present - Military Hangar)
- ACT09_TRN.awb / Bridge of Evil (Train section): Surpassing Authority (Present - Military Hangar)
- ACT10_BIG.awb / Den of Behemoths: Frozen Shadows (??? - Dark Forest)
- ACT11_UGD.awb / Forbidden Underground Waterway: Echoes of the Forgotten (Past - Caves of Banishment)
- ACT12_SND.awb / Hidden Desert: Lake Desolation Alpha (Present - Lake Desolation)
- ACT13_ARC.awb / Underground Sorcery Lab: Call of the Void (Present - Amadeus' Laboratory)
- ACT14_TARawb / Secret Sorcery Lab: Call of the Void (Present - Amadeus' Laboratory)
- ACT15_JPN.awb / Oriental Sorcery Lab: Ancient Forest (Past - Greenwood Forest)
- ACT16_MET.awb: From the Darkness (Present - Sealed Caves)
- ACT17_RVA.awb / Inferno Cave: Shears of Atropos (??? - Ancient Pyramid)
- ACT18_ICE.awb / Glacial Tomb: From the Darkness (Present - Sealed Caves)
- ACT50_BRM.awb: Surpassing Authority (Present - Military Hangar)
- Track 0 - Theme of Gebel: Galactic Throne (Present - Emperor Nuvius)
- Track 1 - Theme of Dominique: Distant Recollections (Present - Selen's memories)
- Track 2 - Theme of Johannes: Wax Impression (Past - Letters)
- Track 3 - Theme of Alfred: Shattered Hourglass (??? - Sandman)
- Track 4 - Theme of Zangetsu: Blasphemous Shackles (Past - Azure Queen)
- Track 5 - Theme of OD: Recounted History (Present - Varndagray Library)
- Track 6 - Foreboding: Trampled Innocence (Cutscene)
- Track 7 - Surpassing Grief: Memories of Tears (Present - Lake Desolation until Timespinner Wheel was found)
- Track 8 - Bosses with "Attack of the Grotesque": Unnerving Gaze (Present - Varndagroth & Xarion, ??? - Ravenlord)
- Track 9 - Bosses with "The Executioner": The Broken (Present - Feline Sentry)
- Track 10 - Gebel (Boss): Galactic Throne (Present - Emperor Nuvius)
- Track 11 - Zangetsu (2nd fight): No Matter the Cost (Past - Queen Aelana)
- Track 12 - Bosses with "Silent Howling": Unbridled Determination (Past - Maw, ??? - Ifrit)
- Track 13 - Final Boss (1st phase): Quantum Insanity (Present - Genza)
- Track 14 - Final Boss (2nd phase): Eternal Nightmare (??? - Nightmare)
- Track 15 - Unused Track: Sanctuary (Unused)
- Track 16 - Best Ending: From Our Hearts (Winderia)
- Track 19 - 8-bit Nightmare: Temporal Salvage (??? - Temporal Gyre)
- Track 22 - 8-bit Overlord: Unbridled Determination (Past - Maw, ??? - Ifrit)
- Track 39 - Silent Howling (short): Ending of Teaser
- Tracks 17, 18, 20, 21 are 8-bit tracks that are not accessible from the game through BGM.awb since the release of Classic.
- Tracks 23-26, 28-38 are Classic Mode tracks, but are not accessible from the game through BGM.awb.
- Track 27 is the sound that plays at the opening splash "505 Games - ArtPlay - WayForward" and is not replaced.
- Track 0 - Title: Intrepidation & Title Theme Alpha
- Track 1 - Data Select: Provisional Sanctuary (Past - Greenwood Forest)
- Track 0 - Game Over: Game Over (Timespinner sound effect)
- Tracks 1-3 - Credits: The Sacrifice of Heroes
- Track 0 - All Clear (not replaced)
- Track 1 - Final Boss: Quantum Insanity (VRC6, Present - Genza)
- Track 2 - Stage Boss: The Broken (VRC6, Present - Feline Sentry)
- Track 3 - Stage Clear (not replaced)
- Track 4 - Echoes (Credits) (unused in the game as the credits are played from "BloodstainedRotN/Content/Movies/Classic_Credits.mp4")
- Track 5 - Life Lost (not replaced)
- Track 6 - Game Over (not replaced)
- Track 7 - Hopeful Prayer (not replaced)
- Track 8 - Data Select: Provisional Sanctuary (VRC6, short version, Past - Greenwood Forest)
- Track 9 - Stage 1: Temporal Salvage (VRC6, ??? - Temporal Gyre)
- Track 10 - Stage 5, Part 1: Surpassing Authority (VRC6, Present - Military Hangar)
- Track 11 - Stage 3: Pioneer's Horizon (VRC6, Past - Lake Serene)
- Track 12 - Stage 2: Masquerade of the Hedonists (VRC6, short version, Past - Castle Keep)
- Track 13 - Stage 4: Lake Desolation Alpha (VRC6, short version, Present - Lake Desolation)
- Track 14 - Stage 5, Part 2: Fear's Crown (VRC6, short version, Present - Emperor's Tower)
- Tracks 015-260 are sound effects, which are not replaced.
- JourneyDLC.awb / Journey DLC area (The Road of Trials)
- N3109.awb / Theme of Tamako
- Player.awb / Upbeat Heat Shard
Due to technical constraints, Pioneer's Horizon, Lake Desolation Alpha and Call of the Void are slightly sped up by around 5-10% and are in a pitch one to two semitones higher than in the original Timespinner game. For the same reason, Masquerade of the Hedonists, Lake Desolation Alpha and Fear's Crown are cut short in Classic Mode.
The VRC6 versions of Pioneer's Horizon and Lake Desolation Alpha retained the key changes.