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- Gabriel Knight 3 Windows 10 Windows 11 Fix
Gabriel Knight 3 Windows 10 Windows 11 Fix
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Dege and BraddabugUploaded by
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About this mod
These Patches will Fix Gabriel Knight 3 for Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Choose resolution, fix Lag issues and fix "insert CD1"-problem.
Works on GOG, STEAM and CD-versions.
All the pictures in the gallery are taken after these patches, with the graphics settings I use.
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This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
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This patch contains THREE files that make the game work on modern systems.
1.(GK3.exe file) FIX FOR "Insert CD1"- problem
2.(dgVoodoo file) FIX FOR Modern day systen running problem (Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11)
3.(Gk3Launcher) FIX FOR Graphic boost from low settings to full Hd-resolution. Allways Run the game from this.
ATTENTION: IF the game STILL ASKS "Insert CD1" when lauching the game after these. The solution is very easy:
Run ANY ISO-file at your computer BEFORE launching the game. After that, the game will star as it should.
:INSTALLATION: (in this order!)
-Just copy GK3.exe from the zip-file into the game directory and replace the old GK3.exe-file.
-Unzip dgVoodoo somewhere (I use GOG Galaxy/Game-folder).
-Go to the folder MS -> x86. AND 3Dfx -> x86 Copy and paste ALL the files to your Gabriel Knight 3 game directory. This is important. Copy the files, NOT the folders.
-Open dgVoodooCpl and add a new game. Choose the C:/Gabriel Knight 3 folder and press OK
-Go to DirectX TAB.
-Enable "Force VSync, Fast Video Memory Access". Disable "dgVoodoo Watermark"
- OPTIONAL for GOOD graphics: Change "Texturing filterin" (I use "Force anisotropic 16x)
- OPTIONAL for GOOD graphics: Change "Antialiasing (MSAA)" (I use "8x")
-KEEP Resolution setting "Unforced" and Appearance as "Unspecified" at the General-settings.
-Press "Apply" and "Ok".
-Just copy Gk3Launcher.exe from the zip-file into the same directory with GK3.exe
-Chose the resolution what you want to use.
(I recommend 1920x1080, but smaller widescreen resolution like 1280x720 looks also VERY nice and soft in a good way)
-Start the game and enjoy!
-After starting the game:
Go to the Settings and make sure your in-game settings like Texture, Lighting and LOD(level of details) are HIGH/Full.
ATTENTION: IF the game STILL ASKS "Insert CD1" when lauching the game after these. The solution is very easy:
Run ANY ISO-file at your computer BEFORE launching the game. After that, the game will star as it should.
-DgVoodoo: http://dege.freeweb.hu/
-GK3Launcher: https://gk3tools.sourceforge.io/launcher.php
This patch contains THREE files that make the game work on modern systems.
1.(GK3.exe file) FIX FOR "Insert CD1"- problem
2.(dgVoodoo file) FIX FOR Modern day systen running problem (Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11)
3.(Gk3Launcher) FIX FOR Graphic boost from low settings to full Hd-resolution. Allways Run the game from this.
ATTENTION: IF the game STILL ASKS "Insert CD1" when lauching the game after these. The solution is very easy:
Run ANY ISO-file at your computer BEFORE launching the game. After that, the game will star as it should.
:INSTALLATION: (in this order!)
-Just copy GK3.exe from the zip-file into the game directory and replace the old GK3.exe-file.
-Unzip dgVoodoo somewhere (I use GOG Galaxy/Game-folder).
-Go to the folder MS -> x86. AND 3Dfx -> x86 Copy and paste ALL the files to your Gabriel Knight 3 game directory. This is important. Copy the files, NOT the folders.
-Open dgVoodooCpl and add a new game. Choose the C:/Gabriel Knight 3 folder and press OK
-Go to DirectX TAB.
-Enable "Force VSync, Fast Video Memory Access". Disable "dgVoodoo Watermark"
- OPTIONAL for GOOD graphics: Change "Texturing filterin" (I use "Force anisotropic 16x)
- OPTIONAL for GOOD graphics: Change "Antialiasing (MSAA)" (I use "8x")
-KEEP Resolution setting "Unforced" and Appearance as "Unspecified" at the General-settings.
-Press "Apply" and "Ok".
-Just copy Gk3Launcher.exe from the zip-file into the same directory with GK3.exe
-Chose the resolution what you want to use.
(I recommend 1920x1080, but smaller widescreen resolution like 1280x720 looks also VERY nice and soft in a good way)
-Start the game and enjoy!
-After starting the game:
Go to the Settings and make sure your in-game settings like Texture, Lighting and LOD(level of details) are HIGH/Full.
ATTENTION: IF the game STILL ASKS "Insert CD1" when lauching the game after these. The solution is very easy:
Run ANY ISO-file at your computer BEFORE launching the game. After that, the game will star as it should.
-DgVoodoo: http://dege.freeweb.hu/
-GK3Launcher: https://gk3tools.sourceforge.io/launcher.php