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Become a Jedi or Sith, the choice is yours
LATEST UPDATE: 1.12.1 (U9)- Fixed lighting not working properly in Caves levelHave you ever wanted to brutally murder people with your favorite Minecraft tools?Well now you can!
- 40.2MB
- 3.0k
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LATEST UPDATE: 1.12.1 (U9)- Fixed lighting not working properly in Caves levelHave you ever wanted to brutally murder people with your favorite Minecraft tools?Well now you can!
Lightsabers from Star Wars with on/off functionality. Requires Blade & Sorcery Update 6.1
- 21.3MB
- 2.5k
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Lightsabers from Star Wars with on/off functionality. Requires Blade & Sorcery Update 6.1
Adammantium's Multiplayer Mod (1.0)
A simple multiplayer mod for Blade & Sorcery.
B.A.R.Z.E.L Mensch (Battle suit) D.J.A.V.U.L.E.N UPDATE
You have been chosen to wield the world's most lethal crime-fighting technology!Don the B.A.R.Z.E.L suit, and wreak aerial mechanized havoc on your foes - with shoulder-mounted rotary cannon and twin laser fist-blades!
- 186.1MB
- 683
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B.A.R.Z.E.L Mensch (Battle suit) D.J.A.V.U.L.E.N UPDATE
You have been chosen to wield the world's most lethal crime-fighting technology!Don the B.A.R.Z.E.L suit, and wreak aerial mechanized havoc on your foes - with shoulder-mounted rotary cannon and twin laser fist-blades!
Are Wii gonna have a problem?
JackTheFallouts Comedy Voice Pack 1.0
The Funniest mod for Blade and sorceryAdds 1000 new Lines to the game insane funny and outrageous.
- 864.9MB
- 121
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JackTheFallouts Comedy Voice Pack 1.0
The Funniest mod for Blade and sorceryAdds 1000 new Lines to the game insane funny and outrageous.
Reverb Fart(Gravity audio) U11
Replaces the Gravity push sound with a reverb fart. It is amazing and marvellous. A true sight to behold. A miracle to witness. A love to be found. A shitpost to hear from the other side of the universe! Now has an optional version named "TrimmedReverbFart" which is the exact same mod but the sound is trimmed to start earlier so the delay is gone.
- 100KB
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Reverb Fart(Gravity audio) U11
Replaces the Gravity push sound with a reverb fart. It is amazing and marvellous. A true sight to behold. A miracle to witness. A love to be found. A shitpost to hear from the other side of the universe! Now has an optional version named "TrimmedReverbFart" which is the exact same mod but the sound is trimmed to start earlier so the delay is gone.
SorceryCraft - Minecraft Megapack U12
A fleshed-out mod including all your favorite Minecraft tools and weapons!Grab your diamond sword, diamond pickaxe, and shield as you venture into battle!Currently includes all tiers of every tool from wood to netherite and hoe to sword, as well as the shield and trident.Mod is in development, more items planned!
- 5.3MB
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SorceryCraft - Minecraft Megapack U12
A fleshed-out mod including all your favorite Minecraft tools and weapons!Grab your diamond sword, diamond pickaxe, and shield as you venture into battle!Currently includes all tiers of every tool from wood to netherite and hoe to sword, as well as the shield and trident.Mod is in development, more items planned!
The Frying Pan + Golden Pan from TF2
Cannibalism - Eat to Survive (U10)
Allows you to eat dismembered body parts to regain health, focus, and mana. (fully customizable) "As famine sweeps over the land, dark times are incited. We no longer fight for glory... we fight to eat."
- 287KB
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Cannibalism - Eat to Survive (U10)
Allows you to eat dismembered body parts to regain health, focus, and mana. (fully customizable) "As famine sweeps over the land, dark times are incited. We no longer fight for glory... we fight to eat."
A club made of meat that can bite people! This mod works with U10.
The Penetrator from Saint's Row 3 (v1.0)
The one and only, The Penetrator. A weapon of mass destruction, a weapon of mass penetration
- 5.4MB
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The Penetrator from Saint's Row 3 (v1.0)
The one and only, The Penetrator. A weapon of mass destruction, a weapon of mass penetration
Abnormal AI (A BaS Survival Horror Mod) 8.4
They are free, you can run, but they will catch you...A mod that adds 4 waves of terrifying enemies with strange unpredictable and abnormal behavior
- 34KB
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Abnormal AI (A BaS Survival Horror Mod) 8.4
They are free, you can run, but they will catch you...A mod that adds 4 waves of terrifying enemies with strange unpredictable and abnormal behavior
Want Weaker Punches in Blade And Sorcery?This mod is for you hehe!
Jazzy's Lego Star Wars voice pack
Adds: 8 Fall Sounds. 9 Grab/Telegrab Sounds. 61+ Damage/Hit Sounds. 32 Taunt Sounds. 37+ Death/Friendly Death Sounds. 13 Attack/Big Attack SoundsDM me on discord @jazzy#9000 with sound suggestions
- 5.0MB
- 42
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Jazzy's Lego Star Wars voice pack
Adds: 8 Fall Sounds. 9 Grab/Telegrab Sounds. 61+ Damage/Hit Sounds. 32 Taunt Sounds. 37+ Death/Friendly Death Sounds. 13 Attack/Big Attack SoundsDM me on discord @jazzy#9000 with sound suggestions
Destroy your enn... Just kidding, it's a pickle! What did you expect?
It's just a stick.
The Mandalorian Mod. Take on your foes looking like the roughest toughest bounty hunter Din Djarin and his trusty side kick (Grogu)! AKA Baby Yoda
- 17.1MB
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The Mandalorian Mod. Take on your foes looking like the roughest toughest bounty hunter Din Djarin and his trusty side kick (Grogu)! AKA Baby Yoda
Roblox Swords Pack - SFOTH Edition
Every single sword from SFOTH.