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Jedi Knight Saber Pack (U11.3 PCVR)
Saber pack containing sabers from Jedi Academy for B&S PCVR!
- 34.3MB
- 7.4k
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Jedi Knight Saber Pack (U11.3 PCVR)
Saber pack containing sabers from Jedi Academy for B&S PCVR!
Become a Jedi or Sith, the choice is yours
Jedi Knight Map Packs (U11.3 PCVR Only)
Collection of Jedi Knight maps converted for B&S. Now updated for U11!
- 246.6MB
- 2.1k
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Jedi Knight Map Packs (U11.3 PCVR Only)
Collection of Jedi Knight maps converted for B&S. Now updated for U11!
Adammantium's Multiplayer Mod (1.0)
A simple multiplayer mod for Blade & Sorcery.
Adds weapons and maps from Halo to Blade & Sorcery. U7 Only. Requires The Outer Rim.
Unsullied Dungeon Overhaul 1.0 (Game of Thrones)
Adds the Unsullied from Game of Thrones to outposts and ruins. Includes full armor sets, two helmets, two shields, a spear, and a dagger. Enemy waves are also included. Enemies are highly skilled, heavily armored, and attack fast.
- 29.1MB
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Unsullied Dungeon Overhaul 1.0 (Game of Thrones)
Adds the Unsullied from Game of Thrones to outposts and ruins. Includes full armor sets, two helmets, two shields, a spear, and a dagger. Enemy waves are also included. Enemies are highly skilled, heavily armored, and attack fast.
House Lannister Crystal Hunt Overhaul (Game of Thrones) 1.0
Adds House Lannister from Game of Thrones, replacing outposts and ruins with Lannister troops. Includes 5 armor sets, 4 helmets, 4 swords, 2 shields, a Lannister enemy wave, and a Lannister gold bar found in dungeons that can be sold for extra gold.
- 120.8MB
- 0
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House Lannister Crystal Hunt Overhaul (Game of Thrones) 1.0
Adds House Lannister from Game of Thrones, replacing outposts and ruins with Lannister troops. Includes 5 armor sets, 4 helmets, 4 swords, 2 shields, a Lannister enemy wave, and a Lannister gold bar found in dungeons that can be sold for extra gold.