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About this mod

Ports of several weapons from The Witcher 3! Let me know if you've got any specific requests for a weapon/set :)

Permissions and credits
(for some god-forsaken reason you need to set it to 720p or you'll get awful tearing oof)

They're weapons from The Witcher 3, that's literally it. Delete the JSONs that correspond to the weapons you don't want to use or your slots will be clogged up right quick (unless you're on modloader 1.10+ in which case this warning doesn't matter at all lmao). I highly recommend using Modloader 1.10+, but even if you do, I also recommend only using one of the four basic silver Witcher sets, as they are almost identical aside from pommel shape.

Credit to CDPR for creating these assets and Jean-Louis Boudrand for creating The Witcher 3D Model Converter, which made putting the assets into Unity possible.

I also made a bunch of Skyrim weapons: