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About this mod

A dreadful place, shrouded in darkness; hidden beneath the serenity of Kakariko Village.

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Here's the Bottom Of The Well, found underneath Kakariko village. It is a dungeon filled with hallways, some small rooms, some large rooms, and pits for people to fall into. It can be played any way you want, but the "goal" is to traverse through the dungeon mostly bare-handed, equipping yourself and eventually finding the Lens of Truth, to bring back out of the dungeon.

There are chests all around the map, if you have >>THIS MOD<< installed, you will find Zelda weapons in them.

Since the water was turned off, the sewer-like dungeon was filled with a noxious gas.
Any pits filled with green fog are toxic and fatal.

My maps are best viewed with the Tone Mapping set to "None". This will increase the quality of the colors. You can change this setting in the "Graphics" settings in the book in-game.

I hope you enjoy, and feedback is always welcome. Have fun!

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