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About this mod

Adds weapons and masks from the Bionicle universe. Fight like a toa!

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This mod adds weapons and masks from Bionicle. The list of currently available items is below


Kopaka's sword and shield
Tahu's fire sword
Gali's hooks
Onua's claws
Lewa's Axe

Pakari, with working strength buff
Miru, with working levitation
Ignika, non-functional (for now!)

Future plans:
Hau, with functional shield
Akaku, highlight enemies?
Kakama, with functional super-speed
KauKau, totally breathe underwater... as useful as that is
Ignika with the power to kill or resurrect instantly

And more!

============= How to use mask powers ================

To use a mask, place it on your face (anywhere near it will stick.) Adjust as needed so it does not obstruct your view. 
To activate the power, hold your hand near the mask and click the trigger. The mask should glow. That indicates the power is active. 

So far, the only functional masks are the pakari and miru. 

The pakari makes your punches and kicks send enemies flying further. Because STRONK

The miru makes it so that while falling, you gently float to the ground.