All default unity colours and a few custom available to use, these are cyan, magenta, red, green, yellow, blue, white, invisible, rainbow and the new feature, custom colours!
(Credit to @MulleDK19#3770 for the rainbow code)
Warnings:Editing the Lightning.json file whilst in game will cause all buttons to stop working
CustomRGB does not work (but may be coming soon)
Installation:1. Download the pinned mod loader and extract it into your game directory
2. Extract the AllLightning folder into the Mods folder inside your game director
3. Edit the Lightning.json file to suit your needs
4. (Optional) If you want to use custom colours, enable CustomRGB in Lightning.json and edit Custom.json to suit your needs :)
5. (Optional) If you want to edit the config, open Settings.json and edit it to your needs
Config Settings:
GlowIntensity: 0 - 10, The intensity of the glow
GlowWidthMultiplier: 0 - 64, The width multiplier for the glow
LightningIntensity: 0 - 10, Intensity of the lightning
ChaosFactor: 0-1, The chaos factor that determines how far the lightning main trunk can spread out, higher numbers spread out more
ChaosFactorForks: 0-1, Same as above
Generations: 1-8, Higher makes more detailed but more expensive lightning
Forkedness: 0-1, How forked should the lightning be? (0 for none, 1 for lots of forks)
ForkLengthMultiplier: 0-10, Minimum distance multiplier for forks
ForkLengthVariance: 0-10, Fork distance multiplier variance. Random range of 0 to n that is added to Fork Length Multiplier.
ForkEndWidthMultiplier: 0-10, Forks have their EndWidthMultiplier multiplied by this value
FadePercent: 0-0.5, What percent of time the lightning should fade in and out. For example, 0.15 fades in 15% of the time and fades out 15% of the time, with full visibility 70% of the time
FadeInMultiplier: 0-1, Modify the duration of lightning fade in.
FadeFullyLitMultiplier: 0-1, Modify the duration of fully lit lightning.
FadeOutMultiplier: 0-1, Modify the duration of lightning fade out.
EndWidthMultiplier: 0-10, How much smaller the lightning should get as it goes towards the end of the bolt. For example, 0.5 will make the end 50% the width of the start.