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Scoober Doob

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About this mod

Adds a tonfa into the game (A tonfa is a nightstick)

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The tonfa is a melee weapon best known for its role in the armed component of Okinawan martial arts. It is highly adaptable to situations, and consists of a 15-20 inch (38.1-50.8 cm) long handle and a shorter handle that is perpendicular to the long handle. The tonfa is believed to originate in China, but it is also possible that it is from Malaysia, Thailand or some other Southeast Asian country. This weapon is best wielded in pairs.

The tonfa in-game is relative to it's real life counterpart (atleast for me, I am 5'10, however this won't matter in-game). It can be used in many combos, and can be held in 3 areas with 4 different positions in each area. The tonfa can be used as defensive, offense, or a mix of both. Hitting someone in the legs or head hard enough will instantly make them collapse, and the short handle can be used as a hook for climbing.

The tonfa item can be found under the "Blunt" section of the item book.

This mod is compatibe with Oli8's "Electrical" Mod, which will allow you to electrify the tonfa(s), and they can be used as stun batons.