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About this mod

This fully functioning recreation of the Halo 3 Gravity Hammer includes plasma lighting effects, customization options and special damagers, making it a deadly weapon regardless of how you use it. Dismembers enemies on direct impact. See Features and FAQ for more info.

Permissions and credits
Brute Chieftains fight as barbaric as they look, one hit from that hammer and you ended up a puddle of bones and blood.
— Private Aaron Landvik

This Type-2 energy weapon is a large hammer that serves as an excellent melee weapon. The weapon consists of a shaft, head, and blade. It is a highly symbolic Jiralhanae weapon that is analogous to the Sangheili Energy Sword. A powerful weapon already, it can also be used to manipulate gravity, allowing it to push opponents away. A field generator, which is located in the head, emits the kinetic pulse (~5.0 meters). The exact mechanism by which it functions is currently under investigation by the UNSC.

  • Emits a kinetic burst on impact, propelling all nearby enemies upwards and outwards
  • Can be toggled on/off to use as a pure melee or slash weapon 
  • Custom Slash and Blunt damagers, making it as deadly as it looks
  • Lighting effects on weapon idle and weapon activation
  • Audio cues: "activation", "charging up", "charging down", "ready hum"

How To Use
The weapon can be found under "Exotics". You will hear a "charge up" sound, which will gradually turn in a low cyclic "hum" (Weapon is ready). When ready, hit the activation triggers (three points on the front) against a surface or enemy. Enemies in range will be propelled upwards, with enemies nearby being exponentially more effected than far away enemies. The range and force of the kinetic burst are customizable.

Press the Alternate-Use Key to disable/enable the Gravity Burst ability.

Note from the Author

I have always loved the Halo series, and I remember how much fun it was to first get your hands on the Gravity Hammer. Now, I hope to put it in your hands directly! I took some artistic license here (mostly regarding the Plasma Glow effects) but for the most part I have attempted to keep it as close to the original "feel" of the Gravity Hammer as I could. I still have some updates/improvements on the way, but I felt like V1.0 was deserving of a release :)

Some technical details for those interested: The scripting was done using C#, the UV unwrapping and texturing (albedo, emission, metallic) using a mix of Blender/GIMP, and the shader & object composition was done using Unity with the B&S SDK.

    -Fisher (SwordFisherL42)

My Mod Releases
FAQ / Troubleshooting

Being sent upwards when using the weapon is giving you "VR sickness" (dizzy/unwell):

You can disable the weapon from specifically effecting you (the player) by opening "Item_Weapon_GravityHammer.json" and setting "userIsEffected" to "false". 

Alternatively, you could also decrease the value of "userEffectMultiplier" to lessen the effect on the player.

The lighting effects (Plasma Glow) are too bright or washed out:

Option 1 (easiest)
Go into settings --> Post-Processing --> Reset to Defaults. 
This should fix any issues with the Glow acting strange. You can then tweak your settings to see what works best for you. 

Option 2
You can also tweak the lighting settings yourself inside of "Item_Weapon_GravityHammer.json" using the custom parameters listed under "Customization".

Option 3 (To be uploaded soon)
If Option 1 does not work, you can download the alternate weapon config under "optional" named "No Lighting Effects". Replace "Item_Weapon_GravityHammer.json" in "StreamingAssets/GravityHammer/" with this file. I will provide this file soon.

The weapon is too easy to activate (or it is too hard to activate):

You can customize the minimum impact velocity which will trigger a gravity burst by changing "minimumVelocityToActivate" in "Item_Weapon_GravityHammer.json".


You can edit all of these parameters inside of "Item_Weapon_GravityHammer.json". (Be careful when editing these values, as they can lead to unexpected results or break the mod if done incorrectly).

effectRadius - The area-of-effect size.
minimumVelocityToActivate - The min. speed you need to hit something to active the gravity burst.
onlyActivateOnRagdolls - If "true", the burst is only activated when you hit an enemy.
userIsEffected - If "false", the user will not be pushed by the burst.
userEffectMultiplier - If "userIsEffected" is set to "true", this is the modifier for the gravity burst effect on the player.
liftModifier - Upwards force applies to bodies.
impulseForceModifier - Explosive impulse at the moment of activation.
baseForceModifier - Base force applied to bodies.
glowActivationIntensity - The intensity modifier for  the plasma light burst.
glowActivationRange - The range modifier for the plasma light burst.
materialEmission - Modifier for how much passive glow the weapon has when enabled.
enabledRGB - The RGB colour code for the glow and activation effects.
timeToReturn - Time delay for gravity burst retraction.
readyHumVolume - Volume of the cyclic weapon-ready noise (default 0.5)

Known Issues / Bugs
  • Lighting effects can become very bright or washed out when using "Eye Adaptation" or other non-default Post-Processing settings (such as high bloom). 
  • Currently, the Gravity Burst does not work on non-enemy objects (e.g. props in the environment). This is because of some buggy results when applying forces to all objects. I am currently working on this issue by adapting the force-interaction model in my script to correctly work on both enemies and objects. I decided to release V1.0 with this known issue since enemies and the player are still affected correctly.
Work-In-Progress for Future Versions
  • Improve weapon scripting in order to correctly apply forces to all objects (not just enemies/player)
  • General improvement to textures/lighting interactions
  • General improvement/changes to sound design
  • General C# script improvements