The event will be running for one month - from 1st May until 1st June 2019 - and everyone is invited to participate: simply publish a mod for Morrowind and mark it with the Modathon 2019 tag.

Every week, between two and three participating mod authors will be selected at random and awarded a game key for an AAA or indie game.
But that is not all, the grand prize of ~8 game keys (depending on a potential tie) will be awarded to the "Modathon mod of the month" which will be decided upon by a secret jury based on a number of criteria and even the two runners-up will be getting 3 and 5 game keys respectively.
All prizes are being given out by the Modathon host darkelfguy who also runs the YouTube channel Morrowind Modding Showcases. Learn more about the event rules and prizes in the official announcement thread.
Keep an eye on our social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) as well as the Morrowind mod section for updates and, of course, new, spectacular mods!
With that being said, here’s the man himself with a few words to launch the Modathon madness:
For the fifth consecutive year, the Morrowind May Modathon Month Modding Competition, the biggest annual modding competition in The Elder Scrolls modding community, returns on May 1st! Celebrating Morrowind's 17th anniversary, this year's Modathon Modding Competition will run throughout the entire month of May, and participating Morrowind mods will have a chance to unlock sweet achievements, win prizes, and compete with their peers to become the Modding Champions of 2019!
Last year's Modathon became one of the biggest modding competitions in Elder Scrolls modding history, with 89 mods submitted by over 40 different modders, and this year is shaping up to be even greater! We have some 80 achievements for you to unlock, for everything from releasing a house mod, to building an epic dungeon, to overhauling and replacing the game's graphics, and of course we have a ton of hidden achievements for all sorts of themes, gameplay additions, and much more for you to discover! Unlock as many as you can and become a modding master!
Participation is simple, any Morrowind mod released in May can be entered into the competition, just remember to include a tagline "Part of the May Modathon Month" near the top of your mod's description, or use the Modathon 2019 tag to enter your mod as part of the competition. You'll be automatically entered to potentially win one of our weekly random-drawing prizes, and of course unlock achievements!
Mod your way to fame and glory in the biggest modding event of the year, and help celebrate one of the greatest games ever made! The best games never die, so get out there, have fun, and build a ton of mods to make this great game even better than ever before!
The competition runs from May 1st through to June 1st, and you can find out more about how to participate, along with a complete list of achievements, over on the official announcement thread!
- darkelfguy / Morrowind Modding Showcases
Best of luck to all participants and happy modding!
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A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingI don't remember a so active month in MW modding since 2003 probably.
Thanks to moddaton promoters to help this to happen.
Thanks to old modders to return to active modding and new modders to start modding this fantastic experience.
And congratulations to all MW players!!!
I'm going to start a new game today with many of the difficulty and balance new mods and tens of other fantastic mods of the las months.
I'm really tempted to start modding myself. I modded a lot in these 17 years but always for own use. Maybe it's time to help a bit in this MW rebirth!
But anyway, if you need a full list of participating mods, including a post organizing them all into categories, you can find one here:
And yeah, I'd definitely recommend getting into modding and releasing mods, the community could always use more mods and modders, and this is definitely an exciting time to be involved in the modding scene! :)
I've never added my Morrowind mods to Nexus, but I was a Hall of Famer in planetelderscrolls back in the days...
I'm afraid the competition is really only for new or previously unreleased mods. Having said that, I gotta say I always liked your Imperial and Bitter Coast texture packs from back in the day, we've actually showcased some of them in the past. Also, don't know if you know this, but all of your mods are still available on Morrowind Modding History, they managed to copy almost everything from PES before the collapse.
And I've seen your showcases in the past, thank you so much for that! I wanted to thank you by commenting on the videos, but I thought that would be too obnoxious, so I stayed silent.
Having said that myself, I gotta say it makes total sense that only new or unreleased mods get to participate. Hopefully some more awesome mods will get published that way!