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Mod articles

  • Mega Mod List (BMM v0.3.0 Compatibility)

    *Note: This list is no longer being maintained. Almost all mods produced today follow the ModTek standards and are compatible making this list unnecessary.* 


    This is a list of mods I have reviewed or others have mentioned to me.

    BMM compatible mods:

    Pilot Fatigue
    Industrial Systems
    Hangar of the Dispossessed
    Look Enhanced Weapon Normalization
    Vehicle Improvement Project
    Zots Different LosTech Reward Mechs
    Semi-Permanent Evasion
    Adv Difficulty Settings
    Open Map at a Point of Your Choosing
    DBKs Clan Weapons Mod
    DasTactic Emblems
    S.O.L. SavetyOffLine
    Apocalypse Armaments
    ER Small Lasers for Wheeled ...

  • How to package mods for BMM

    How To Package ModTek mods for BMM:

    Create a Mod.Json file: 

    The “Mod.Json” directly affects the users experience with BMM!
    So be sure to include the following keys-value pairs in your file:

    Name – Must be the same as .ZIP file name (see below)
    Description – So users know what the mod does
    Version – So users can visually tell what version they have
    Author – So users know who you are!
    Website – So users can click a link to your page
    PackagedOn – So we might later enable auto updates! 

    Of course don’t forget any other fields required for your mod to work. i.e “Enabled”
    Again, check here if you need further details on that process.

    An example Mod.Json: